
Jun 30, 2011 22:55

Title:This is not what I do (Part 1/?)
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Sam, Joe
Warning: Blood, if it counts as a warning
Spoilers: If you know Dean and Cas you're fine. Though in a way it might hold spoilers of True Blood's season 1? I don't know.
Word count: 3,833
Notes:  Vampire!Dean. HalfAngel!Castiel. The fic is set in True Bloods universe. The title is from a song on True Bloods soundtrack: 9 Crimes from Damien Rice.
Summary: Castiel works in a bar in Kansas, happily unhappy with his life. Until a vampire makes an appearance. 

This is not what I do

The small television in the bar crackles with news of a new series of murders. Apparently vampire induced ones. The news presenters voice booms across the room, filled with fake grieve. He speaks about the “abominations” roaming our country, in need to be stopped. Castiel sighs, cleaning the whiskey cup in his hands. To be frank he really doesn’t have much of an opinion on the vampires, nor can he spare to care. He hasn’t really witnessed any, not that there are any in Kansas. Apparently his nonchalant behavior isn’t shared with the rest of the bar patrons. He doesn’t need to hear their sneers and spitting disgust from their mouths to know their opinion on the whole vampire she-bang. He feels their pure anger, disgust, defiance radiating around the room. He tries, he truly does, but they come off too strong for him to close off completely. He likes his job in the bar, he serves and sometimes cleans, depending on what Sam wants him to do, but sometimes it’s not worth trying to be normal. His brows double over in concentration trying to focus on his shield.

-“ Hey there, you grip that cup any harder it’ll spit open in your hands, boy.”- Comes Sam’s voice snapping him out of his daze. He glances down at his hands, knuckles white from gripping the cup.

-“ Oh, sorry Sam, just, lost sight of myself there for a minute.”- He tries smiling weakly. Sam smiles at him sympathetically and pats him on the back.

-“S’alright Cas, just watch yourself.”- He says and leaves for the back room. He likes Sam, he is a good boss and holds this place together. He knows something’s off about him but never speaks aloud about it. He respects him even though he senses too much pity coming off him. Oh well, he has good reason to pity him.

-“ Six beers over the big guys’s table and two cups a whiskey.”- Jo proclaims as she skips over to another table. Jo is Sam’s friend, blond , tall, and hot. A good adittion to the bar, good for costumers he thinks. Though, none of his interests. He picks up 6 tall glasses for beer and starts pouring in, one after another. He fills up the whiskey shots and trudges over to the table of the rowdy blue collar workers. He puts down glass after glass while hearing their drunken chatter.

-“All m’ sayin is there’s no stoppin’ the fuckin bloodsuckers while we’re all democratic n’ shit.”-

-“Better their blood spilt then my daughters.”-

-“Ah say we do things our way n stake em!”-

Castiel closes his eyes and away from their ignorant, hate talk. ‘Fucking hicks.’ He can’t help but let anger surge within him, being fed with their anger. What do they even have to care, there aren’t any freaking vampires for miles and miles away from here. And like that, he had to be proven wrong. The door opens with a crack. Who would wonder in here at this time of night? It was too late for the early-leavers and too early for the late-goers. He glanced at the man standing in front of the door, shutting it behind himself. As he turned towards the bar, it was as if the room was robbed from air. Everyone gaped including himself. Tall, broad and pale. Blond. short cropped hair, freckles framing his face. Full lips and eyes as green spring. A vampire. He swaggered towards a table scanning the room around himself. Even the hicks fell silent upon his arrival. A vampire. In Kansas. In the bar he works in. Jo shuffled to him, her gaze locked on the vampires table.

-“Hey, um, Cas, could you take this one from me? The vampire I mean?”- Her voice down to a whisper, as if the vampire could hear her. She looked at him with pleading eyes, begging for his help.

-“Yes, don’t worry about it.”- He answered with his most reassuring tone. She deflated with a sigh and gave him a smile of gratitude.

-“I owe ya one Cas.”- She smiled and turned to make her leave. Just as he was picking himself up to take the order she grabbed his arm.

-“And please be careful, you know what these monsters can be like.”- He would have talked back until he felt her pure concern. She truly feared for his wellbeing. He couldn’t make the call.

-“Yeah, sure.”- He quickly gathered himself and went to take his order. As he walked closer the vampire scanned him up and down. It wasn’t until he arrived in front of him that their eyes met. Green as spring alright.

-“May I take your order sir?”- Castiel surprised himself with the natural calmness of his voice. His mind was fidgeting all over the place.

The vampire grinned brilliantly at him, baring his white teeth. No fangs, huh?

-“How about a bottle of them True Blood things?”- He said, voice a deep calming tone.

-“ Just a moment sir.”- Castiel replied, calm as ever before retreating to the bar. He was fairly certain there weren’t any True Blood lying around, hence this was Kansas, a dropped dead place. No pun intended. But it was customary to check. After browsing in the storage room his suspicions were confirmed. As he strode back to the bar he realised he was about to tell a vampire that there wasn’t anything for him here. Who knows how will he take this, as an invitation to leave, as a threat to get the fuck out... But Castiel is a reasonable man and he will make sure the customer feels welcomed. Even though the customer is a vampire. And the group of hicks keeps whispering amongst themselves while glancing his way. Maybe feeling unwanted will save this vampires life. And why does Castiel feel as if it’s his job to make sure this vampire leaves safe? Like his brother Gabriel always said, ‘because he’s a righteous bastard with a God complex’. The vampire watches him arrive with that intense look of his, rarely blinking. He feels somewhat comforted by the fact that he’s not the only one with the staring problem.

-“ I’m awfully sorry, but there isn’t any True Blood in storage right now. Although I will make sure we are equipped by the end of the week. “- 
Castiel tries, his voice unwavering.

The vampire merely smiles.

-“ You’re not afraid of me.”- He responds, amassment glimmering in his eyes.

-“ Is there reason to be?”- Castiel catches himself saying before he has time to think it through. Though yes, he is not scared. He is fairly uncomfortable, but not scared.

The vampire’s smile only broadens at his retort.

-“There might be. I mean you just told me there isn’t any of that synthetic bullshit for me to feed on. I might just have to take your neck for that. I might just slaughter this whole bar in my crazed hunger.”- He speaks with such undisturbed ease of a vampire.

-“But is there?”- Castiel replies. He catches himself feeling bolder than usual. This vampire just threatened him, and the whole bar, and he remains undisturbed.

The vampires eyes fill with wonder, his smile returning to just a stretch of his lips. No more threat is filled within his smile.

-“No. There isn’t.”- The vampires tone is the only sign of his own surprise, his voice down to a whisper.-“ What’s your name, boy?”- The snark in his tone comes back just as surprising.

-“ Castiel, and I am thirty years of age.”- He should be scared, he should be careful, oh God, he knows he should, but something about this particular vampire makes him feel particulary courageous. The vampire laughs, a deep rumble of joy that startles Castiel. He stands up from his seat then, towering over Castiel and takes a step into his personal space, small grin playing on his lips. Castiel remains unmoving, standing his ground.
He leans into him, his nose brushing his ear.

-“You’ll always be a boy compared to me, Cas. “-

He speaks, voice heavy and hushed. Castiel shivers from his proximity and words. The vampire steps back, his jacket thrown over his shoulder and gives him a long assessing look. And with that he turns to leave. Castiel watches him go, a peculiar swagger to his walk. Like he was a cowboy at a time. Maybe he was. As the door closes he suddenly becomes aware of something. Every person in the bar is staring at him. He quickly walks back to the bar dazed and out of his mind. He numbly grabs a glass and starts cleaning it with a rag. Jo is quick on her feet as she is quick with her mouth. She skips quickly to him and starts questioning him, amassment clear in her eyes and tone. Jo is like an open book. Not just to him, but to everyone who knows her. He doesn’t need to read her emotions to know just what is she feeling. She rambles and rambles on about this or that and he mindlessly answers her questions, not even paying attention to what she is saying. All he thinks about know is a vampire, a vampire with green eyes and little freckles. Isn’t there a saying about freckles being kisses from the sun? Just imagine what would happen if he met the sun now. He wont be getting kisses that’s for sure. And just like that he suddenly remembered something.

-“Hey Joe, I think I forgot something, could you just cover me for a moment?”- Castiel, always the polite one.
oe eyes him suspiciously, before answering him. -“ Yeah sure, go right ahead.”-

-“Thanks.”- He nods gratefully and makes a run for the back door. Apparently in his daze he didn’t question if he would actually be able to find the vampire. Just as he walked out in the brisk autumn wind he felt the consequences to his unrational decision to walk out wearing his white shirt with his sleeves pulled up and his thin, black pants. His loosely hung tie wavered in the wind. He hugged himself and continued his walk out. He turned his way to the parking lot, The cold weather seemed to clear out his mind. ‘What were you thinking Castiel? That you would just walk out and he’ll be waiting for you? Sometimes I question why I put up with myself...’ His thoughts come to an abrupt stop as he sensed a strong feeling of joy from somewhere around the woods. But, it wasn’t the happy kind, it was the reveling in someone’s pain kind. A disturbing feeling, he never felt himself engage in. He quickly jogged to the woods. He dodged tree after tree as the burst of feelings came closely.
 ‘What if the vampire is feeding? He wont be so nice once you’ve spotted him in the deed, Castiel.’ Though, his intuition was stronger than his thoughts. He quickly spotted the source of feel. In a little clearing two men were huddled over a figure in the woods while six others were standing around them sneering and laughing in pleasure. He finally recognized them. The hicks from the bar. The figure that lay splayed on the ground in the center was crashing up and down, buckling its legs wildly. The two men over him were laughing loudly, dousing in its pain. Their collective emotions were too much for him. He winced as he was forced to feel their pleasure. Changing his position from behind the trees he saw who was the figure. It was the vampire, splayed helplessly on the ground with silver chains adoring his naked chest, arms, wrists, neck and legs. His mouth was muffled with a rag of some sorts. His heart clenched at the sight. He should have been careful, he should have known those idiots would try to pull something, he should have kept his eyes open. He should have come sooner.
‘Get a grip Castiel’ He mentally scolded himself for losing himself in his emotions in the middle of a situation. He rarely ever did that. ‘Find your center. Now.’ He felt for his gun in the back of his pants. He always carried a gun with himself. His job and place of residence required to always be prepared for trouble. Thank God it still held all its bullets. With a final breath, he stepped into the clearing. He cleared his throat, making all eight men turn towards him. Their cackling came to an end when they saw him with a gun. Castiel didn’t let himself glance at the vampire. He knew if he did, he would lose all his concentration.

-“Leave. Now. ”- The men all glared at him eyeing the gun as well. One of the two men above the vampire, the scrawny looking one with a mullet, who held a stake in his hand step towards him slowly.

-“Now, now, you gonna shoot some of yer fellow townfolk, over some bloodsuckin’ monster?”-The man slurred, the heavy accent coming off like slime over his words.

-“If there are any monsters here then it’s you people.”-Castiel found himself snarling with gritted teeth.
The hick only smiled, showing a row of rotten, yellowed teeth. The men laughed grimly making their way towards him.

-“Ah think we got ourselves a fangbanger here, men.”- The scrawny one sneered and they all laughed grabbing their bats, and poles. Castiel felt afraid, but only for a second. He knew how to deal situations like this. He quickly moved forward, dodging two swings. Another one grabbed his hand. He quickly relieved himself with a stab to the ribs with his elbow. The men huffed in frustration, their anger boiling over Castiel. Just as he was making his way to the vampire, who thrashed even violently then before, a swing to the leg brought him down. At the impact with the ground he howled in pain, sending laughter from the other men. The scrawny one smiled down at him as the others slowly approached him. He felt for his gun but it was a foot away.

-“Ya should have used that toy while ya had the chance boy.”- The men all grinned at him raising their bats, one after another. Castiel closed his eyes. ‘ So this is how it ends, huh? Dying for a vampires life. Life? But they’re dead. A vampires second life? After life?’ But the jibberish of his thoughts was cut off by the sudden cry of anger. Castiel opened his eyes to catch only glimpses of a figure moving from a person to person, leaving only shredded halves from what was once human. He quickly glanced towards the vampire’s way to find his spot on the ground secluded, surrounded by long chains of silver. He turned his head back at once only to see a crouching vampire above him. His eyes shone even in the dark. But the blood over his chin glistened even brighter. Castiel smiled despite the pain he was currently dousing in.
He managed a faint-“Hey...”-

The vampire looked like it was fighting back the urge to laugh.

-“Hey.”- He replied, allowing himself to smile.

Just as Castiel was about to smile, his face turned into a grimace of pain. He fought the urge to scream so he kept it at a low growl. The vampire eyed his leg with sharp eyes. He looked back at Castiels eyes like he was thinking something over. Castiel couldn’t bare the glare any longer.

-“What is it?”- He asked , voice full of gravel.

The vampire didn’t respond. Instead he bought his hand to his mouth. He bared his fangs with a loud growl and bit into his wrist. Castiel gasped loudly, shaking slightly at the sight above him. He brought himself up on his elbows so he was within eye level with the vampire.

-“W-What are you doing?”- He asked panic filling his voice. He never heard of vampires biting themselves.

Finally the vampire removed his mouth from his wrist. His mouth toppled with blood, dripping slowly down his chin. He looked at Castiel eyes glazed, mouth agape and gestured his wrist towards his face.

-“Drink”- He ordered, voice a sickly deep timber.

Castiel was afraid. Did he want to turn him into a vampire? Was this really happening? Or maybe the pain was making him hallucinate?

-“You are not turning me into a vampire.”- He replied, gritting his teeth in determination.

The vampire growled in frustration, a low threatening noise, his lips bared over his teeth showing his blood slicken fangs.

-“I am not turning you into a vampire. Drinking my blood will heal you. It wont do harm. Now drink before I change my mind.”- He spoke so low, it sent shivers up Castiels spine.
Castiel looked in his eyes searching a sign of wavering. Of lying. He tried reaching for his emotions but he found he didn’t find any. Any at all. He was alone with his feelings of distress. His mouth hung open in his indecisive manner.

-“I cant...”- But he was cut off by a determined tone. -“You came for me and was hurt in the process. Yes, you can!”- He growled with force, his teeth clanking against each other. He was barely holding onto his tone, he could tell. Castiel looked at the vampires eyes and back at his bleeding wrist. The blood dripped on the ground in steady flows.

‘Fuck it.’

And with that thought he gripped the vampires hand and started sucking on his wrist. The vampire above him groaned loudly. Though he soon lost all hearing. All he could concentrate was the sticky sweetness of the vampire’s blood. It tasted like everything sweet he ever loved but with the burning sensation of alcohol. He couldn’t stop. He didn’t feel the blood dripping from his mouth, from his chin, from his hands who held a death grip of the vampires arm. He didn’t catch himself mewling and moaning against his wrist. It felt too good to be real. Suddenly he was brought back to everything real by a fling of an arm. He found himself splayed on the ground farther from the vampire, not knowing how he got there. The vampire looked at him with apparent amusement and chuckled. Castiel quickly straightened up not really able to lift himself up yet. He looked over himself. His whole white shirt was soaked with blood.

-“Wha-What happened?”- He asked frantically feeling himself up, to see if he was whole again. The vampire stood up still smiling, teeth 
showing, though with a lot less fangs. He stood before Castiel.

-“You just lost yourself for a minute, there. You’re fine now. Here.”- He offered his hand to Castiel. He eyed it suspiciously but nevertheless took it with his own. He was gonna need support if he were to stand up now with a broken leg-and woah! Not broken, then. He looked himself over, stretching his leg to see if it were any good. It was fine. No, it was better than fine. It was all good. He felt good all over. He turned his eyes towards the vampire intending to speak. But he got lost in those eyes. He could truly see his eyes now. They were so beautiful. So vivid. They weren’t green. There was a dash of gold, of brown, of silver, of blue, of forest green, of neon green, of about every color you could find. They were little specks of stars in them. He felt all of it. And that was just his eyes. He turned to his lips watching the perfect shape of bow in them the plum hill of his upper lips, how pink and red colors glazed them over. It was as if he could taste their making. Those lips suddenly pulled into a teeth baring smile. And oh, how perfectly aligned those teeth were and-
But once again he was cut off mid-daze.

-“I should probably take you home now.”- Oh but his voice, like sleeping in linen, like brushing of leather, like a clunk of chains, like a fire too close for comfort but feeling too cold to leave its caress.

-“What is happening to me?”- Castiel asked reaching down the ground slowly from his high.
The vampire smiled guilty and rubbed a hand behind his neck. His gaze however didn’t waver.

-“Ya know when I said that vampire blood wont harm you?”- He asked.

Castiel nodded.

-“Well, it wont, but it has its... side effects.”- He finished meekly.

Castiel gulped. He was pretty stable right now.

-”Your blood is a drug?”- He asked, unblinking.

The vampire shrugged uncomfortably. -“Well its sort of a boost for all your senses. I mean, it has healing power, our blood. But it also makes you stronger, faster, and such... It’ll go off eventually, I mean you already finished your high, so... You’ll be okay, I swear, but maybe you should let me take you home and, ah, keep an eye on you...”- He huffed out half embarrassed. Did vampires feel embarrassed? Could they?

-“Eventually?”- Castiel repeated.

-“Yeah uh, in a day or two you’ll be back to your normal self. It’s just because you got yourself a whole lotta vampire blood in your system now. You needed the extra to heal.”- He deadpans.
They stood there watching each other in the dark silently. The chirps of the night life echoed around them. And again Castiel remembered.

-“When I left the bar, I went looking for you.”- He spoke, voice quiet. The vampire rose his eyebrows at that.

-“Yeah?”- He offered.

-“You didn’t tell me your name.”- Castiel finishes quietly.

The vampire stills. Castiel watches as he goes stoic and he suddenly fears. It might have been something you don’t ask a vampire, maybe 
it was inappropriate for a human to ask a vampires name. Suddenly a booming noise of laughter fills the forest. Castiel staggers back with surprise. Weird how an undead creatures voice feels so much like sun and life. Once the vampire finishes laughing he looks at Castiel with what he would categorize as... Adoration?

The vampire walks the short steps to Castiel and offers his hand.

-“Dean, Dean Winchester.”-

Castiel takes Deans hand and shakes it. It feels so cold, yet so strong.

-“Nice to meet you, Dean.”- He replies which earns him another laugh.

-“So, how about taking you home?”- Dean offers letting go of Castiel’s hand.

-“Yes, that would be fine.”- And Castiel accepts. -“But first let me take my coat from the bar.”-

-“Yeah, sure.”- Dean replies his smile still plastered across his face.
As they walk the short road to the bar, Castiel remembers again.

-“Hey Dean.”-


-“How did you get out of those chains?”-

-“Let’s just say a little dog helped me.”-

When Castiel faced Dean with a skeptical look, Dean merely winked.

dean, vampire, castiel, au, true blood, vampire!dean, fanfiction, fanfic, trueblood!au, dean/castiel, vampire!au

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