10 ways Dean made Castiel feel ( Part 2: Capable)

Jun 12, 2012 12:11

Title: 10 ways Dean made Castiel feel 
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, 
Warning: slightly-kooky!Dean ; Mute!Cas
Rating: 18+
Spoilers: total AU
Word count: 934
Summary: Inspired by Fight Club

2. Capable

The place of operation was a rundown warehouse, dim lit, dirty cement floor, backpacks all around and tables littered with guns and bombs, computers occupied by various hunched over men and women, concentrated on their work.

Something out of a movie, underground anarchists working against the government. Only on a higher scale, they come prepared and fueled by anger.

Castiel traced his eyes around him, and for some reason freight isn’t one of the emotions filtering through him at the moment.

With Dean by his side, his hand grasped in his bigger, calloused one he only feels wonder.

It’s difficult to explain.

In just under 4 hours, his whole life changed.

He lost his job, along with everyone that worked for Adler, met Dean, watched his old life burn, kissed him and was now a new candidate to join in the revolution.

There is a whole bunch of emotions and thoughts he should be having right now, according to drama movies and soap operas.

He should probably feel sorry for Adler and the people that worked there, he should have probably ran screaming (metaphorically of course, hence his vocal cords) when he saw Dean, should probably have some internal battle of right and wrong, but it just wasn’t happening.

All he is feeling is relief and once in his life, he is hopeful.

“You ready to go, buddy?” -Dean prompted him, snapping him out of his daze. He raised his head towards the other man and once he saw those green eyes soft with a sort of contempt, his mind was set.

He nodded eagerly, causing Dean to let a chuckle.

They made their way through the crowded place, no one giving them a second glace, everyone busy with their work.

These were people with a cause, risking their lives for everyone that was ever oppressed for everybody that is trapped in today’s modern society.

These are people that Castiel wants to join.

“That’s our leader, Anna. She organizes every Op we do. She’s kinda cold, but I’m sure she’ll like you.” -Dean dipped his head to whisper to Castiel, his grin a constant present. Castiel watched Dean’s pointed finger directed at a woman with red hair, her eyes concentrated on a table full of files, her fingers rushing through them in frustration.

“Sorry to disturb you, Anna. This here is, Cas.” -Dean said as the came to a stop in front of the table, his hand giving Cas’ a grip in reassurance.

“I found him at Adler’s Pain & Sorrow inc. He’s mute and I like him. So there.” -Dean ‘explained’ with a chuckle his eyes gleaming with mirth.

Anna eyes the both of them with a look of uninterest.

“What good is he here?” -She said with a deadpan voice.

Castiel felt the need to intervene here. He was happy with the whole straightforwardness of the situation. It wasn’t a job interview in the sense of ‘Are you a team player? What are your dreams and aspirations? What’s your favorite color? ‘. Nobody cared for that because it was useless. Everybody here was to destroy and let rebuilt.

He grabbed a piece of crunched up paper on the desk and quickly wrote down the following words: ‘I’m good with computers and accounting.’

Anna read the paper with equally dull eyes.

“Ok, you’re in. Dean, you’re in charge of him. I don’t want to hear from you unless I ask for you, understood?”

Castiel gave a decisive nod, trying his best to communicate his determination.

The lack of needless questions, the lack of pity and special treatment made him feel welcomed.

He was just another monkey trying to make his way out of the cage here. And he was comfortable with that thought.


They were sitting in a huddle of backpacks and sleeping bags, a laptop balanced on Castiel’s crossed legs.

His first assignment was to breach Adler’s income, now that the building was gone, it was time to make sure the corporation was gone.

His knowledge on the company was vast, and Zachariah being his cousin he knew a lot of personal information bound to get him somewhere.

Dean was resting his head on Castiel’s thigh, limbs splayed out on the floor, his hands toying with the fabric on Castiel’s unchanged trousers.

“Ya know, Cas, I’ve never really brought anyone here... I never really liked anyone. You’re kinda different. I like your quiet. I like your eyes. You have this thing about you...”- Dean spoke absent mindedly, tugging on his pants, and smoothening the material.

Castiel switched his eyes from the green binary on the screen that seemed so dead and lifeless, to the vivid green of Dean’s eyes.

He smiled down at him.

Dean has an easiness about him, a careless type of joy that seemed to never leave him. He wondered how he came to be here.

He dipped his head down and gave Dean’s forehead a kiss. It was the best he could to voice his opinion on the matter.

Dean’s eyes jerked towards Castiel, his smile gleaming bright, and Castiel couldn’t help but wonder how he could be the cause of such happiness.

“I like that you like me.” -Dean said, snuggling his head comfortable over Castiel’s thigh and closing his eyes with a blissful smile adoring his face.

It was just the beginning. But, he felt his own rebirth full of promises.

And he was going to go through with it. He had a job that meant something, he had a man that was worth something.

He was going to work hard for both.

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