The Pauper Princess and the Born Legacy, Part 5

Oct 27, 2012 19:50

Here's Part 4.

I'm so long-winded, even my fanfiction have chapters!

The story so far...!
-Agatha gave a castle tour to Mara and Kelvin. Drama has reared its head, and of the kind that all readers of fanfiction dread the most!!

The legal disclaimer stuff:
"This story is not approved by, sponsored by or affiliated with Studio Foglio LLC or Airship Entertainment."

Pauper Princess FanFiction Theatre presents:
The Pauper Princess and the Born Legacy, Part 5!

  Moloch was proving to be quite the good tour guide. Not only was he keeping the activities and places that were visited appropriate for all ages, but nobody was bored by his narration. None of the ladies in his group, that is. It could not be expected for a two-year-old boy and an infant to be riveted by tales of Mechanicsburg history and politics. The fact that the four (and a third)-year-old girl was a Spark all but guaranteed her lack of boredom. Like her mother, Isabel could not help quietly examining everything that she saw, whether it be object, animal or person. But the clankier the thing they saw, the more interested she was.
  Fräulein Snaug assisted the nanny Daphne by pushing the double-stroller carrying Edward and Silas. When Isabel grew tired, Moloch carried her. They insisted that they were just trying to help out "fellow staff," given that it was meant to be her holiday, as well.
  After an hour of walking and talking, Daphne announced that Silas needed tending to, so at Moloch's suggestion, they stopped at a coffee shop now famous for its Spark-designed brewer. Daphne paused at the large poster outside the shop, depicting the Lady Agatha herself in a somewhat revealing, gossamer nightgown, pouring a cup of coffee in a seductive manner. Daphne pointed to it as Moloch was walking in. "That seems a bit... risque," she said. "Does her Ladyship approve of this?"
  Moloch shrugged. "She probably doesn't even know about it."
  "She ought to be informed, then," said Daphne stiffly.
  Inside, Daphne found a secluded area and changed and cleaned Silas in half a minute. She then brought him over to the group's table and prepared his milk bottle. Isabel was eager to help, so Daphne cradled him while she held the bottle. Snaug watched the scene with a big smile, and gave Moloch significant looks, which he pretended not to notice. Besides, his cup of perfect coffee wasn't going to drink itself.
  "I love the smell of coffee," said Isabel. "May I have some?"
  "Sure," said Moloch, pushing his cup towards her. Daphne immediately pushed it back.
  "No, Isabel, you are not allowed grownup drinks," she said. "You know your parents' rules."
  "But it smells so good! Does it taste like it smells?"
  "Actually, yes," said Moloch.
  "Please, nanny?" said Isabel. "Pleeeease?" She started to make her eyes bigger, the irises brighter, the glint of sunlight-
  "No, little Princess," said Daphne, leaning close to her. "Only your parents may break their own rules."
  Isabel frowned and slumped into her seat. "I'm very upset with you right now."
  "Better you than them," said Daphne.
  "Yikes," said Moloch. "You're good. I was about to give her anything she wanted."
  "Bring coffee to little Princess..." said Snaug, bringing a fresh cup to Isabel. Daphne took it away and frowned.
  "What's the matter with you people??" she said. "Three children are enough, thank you."
  Snaug shook her head as though waking up, then sat near the stroller again, contrite.
  "Sorry," said Moloch. "This is a town of minions. Some can be a little more... minion-y than others."
  Daphne smiled. "I'll keep that in mind. Isabel seems to have inherited her 'special look' from her mother. Her father is powerless against it. Her mother's 'look,' that is."
  Isabel, her bad mood gone as quickly as it had come, sat up, propped her head on her hands, smiled, and demonstrated the "look" on Moloch. After two seconds he recoiled.
  "Ahh! No! Stop it!" he cried, pulling things from his pockets. "Take my wallet! Take my tools! I'll do anything you want!"
  Isabel turned off the "look" and giggled. Moloch kept up his silliness another few seconds, then grinned at her and winked. He beckoned her closer. "Remember, little Princess: use your power for good, not evil."


Moloch was ready and willing to show them the rest of the city, but Snaug reminded them that they'd left the castle three hours prior, and would need to head back soon. Also, the farther they traveled, the less "child-friendly" the venues. They were venturing into "Mammatown," as Moloch liked to call it. He explained to Daphne that they were close to Mamma Gkika's, which both served as a rowdy pub for tourists hoping to see Jägermonsters (actually just waitresses in makeup), and for actual Jägermonsters that used the theme to move about incognito. As such, particularly observant tourists could spot real Jägers inside and outside.
  "Look, Jägermonsters!" yelled Isabel, pointing at a trio of locals passing by and chatting amiably amongst themselves. Daphne chastised her for speaking so loudly. They heard her, of course, and stopped to locate the sound. Moloch recognized them.
  "Ohhh, boy," he said. They recognized him, too, and started coming over.
  "Uh... Herr Von Zinzer," said Daphne, "Please tell me the child hasn't attracted them to us?"
  "Um, let's hope they're feeling harmless today," he said. "They know me. I'll shoo them away."
  "Hoy, Von Zinzer!" said Dimo (though this group of Mousehearts did not yet know his name). "How iz hyu?"
  "Fine, fine," he said. "I've just been showing some friends around town. Busy day. Everyone's tired. Don't let us keep you from anything."
  "Oh, ve's just on patrol," said Dimo. "Hyu took dem to Mamma's, yas? Goot fun for de leedle keeds."
  "Er... Actually, we're going back to the castle about now," said Moloch. "Have some supper. Pretty hungry."
  "De kestle?" said Maxim (whose name they also did not yet know). The three Jägers leaned closer, eyeing him suspiciously.
  "Yes, the castle," said Moloch. "I do live there, you know."
  "Nize mistress," said Maxim. "Let's hyu brink hyu own guests."
  "For your information, sirs," said Daphne, "We are guests of her Ladyship. The Lady Heterodyne. If you have concerns, perhaps you could bring them up with her." She had positioned herself as discreetly as she could between the Jägers and her charges.
  Dimo held up his hand. "Ve iz just talkink. No vorries, Fräulein."
  Oggie and Maxim took in deep breaths, then began muttering to each other and stealing glances at the children.
  "Well, be seeing you around, then, I guess," said Moloch, and made to leave.
  "Iz dese de Prinzess's keeds?" said Dimo, pointing to them in turn. "De vun from Guildern?"
  "You... know her?" said Daphne. "And His Highness the Prince?"
  "Oh, yas, ve met dem few years ago," said Maxim. "Den de Prinzess again last nacht. Ve vas big prize-vinners, hyu know!"
  "Should we even know what that means?" asked Moloch.
  "They both happen to be personal friends of Her Ladyship," said Daphne stiffly. "So-"
  "Iz hyu sure dey iz just de mistress's 'friends?' " said Dimo.
  "...I have no idea what you're suggesting by that question," said Moloch.
  "Und before hy forget," said Dimo conspiratorily. "Dun go to Guildern. Iz borink!"
  "Aaand I still don't know what you mean."
  "Hey!" said Isabel, pushing forward. Daphne grabbed her just in time to hold her back. "Guildern is a fun, educational place where dreams come true!" Daphne attempted to shush her.
  "It's also where they live," said Moloch. "Clearly she's the head of Marketing."
  "Ve take hyu word for it, leedle keed!" said Ognian.
  "Hyu say hallo to de Prinzess from us, yas?" said Dimo.
  "Hy don't tink she remembered us," said Ognian.
  "Uf coz she did," said Dimo. "Who forgets dese hendsum faces?"
  "No, she vos scared uf us," said Maxim.
  "Yah, yah, she vos - OOOOOOOOOOO!" said Ognian, launching into an impression of Mara's terror when surrounded by them. The three began laughing raucously, until Ognian grabbed his shin in pain. Isabel had kicked him as hard as her little leg could muster and was ready for a tussle.
  "Stop making fun of my momma!" she yelled. Before anyone else could react, Ognian snatched her from the ground with one hand, and growled. She growled back. Moloch and Daphne tried to coax the Jägers down from any ugly business.
  "We don't have a problem here!" he said, holding up his hands. "She's just a kid!"
  "She doesn't know any better, sir!" said Daphne. "Please!"
  Ognian reacted by grabbing Moloch's collar with his other hand and baring his substantial teeth. Isabel gasped and, while still being dangled in the air, slapped Ognian in the face.
  "No!" she shouted. "Bad Jäger! You will not hurt Mr. Moloch! He's nice, and funny, and knows a lot about the city!"
  Daphne struggled to fight off a coming swoon. Snaug wanted to help, but remembered that the youngest Mousehearts would be unprotected without her. She kept herself between the Jagers and the male children. For the moment the Jägers' focus was on the oldest Mouseheart child.
  Ognian stared at Isabel in shock for several awful seconds, then burst out laughing and released Moloch, then set her down gently. "Hy like dis keed!" he said. "Hyu a brave gorl, leedle Prinzess. Looking out for odders. Ve respect dot."
  "We don't have a problem here," said Moloch. "Right?" Daphne made Isabel stand behind her.
  "Ve's goot," said Dimo, smacking Ognian on the back of the head and sneaking a glare at him.
  Daphne pulled Isabel close to her. "Gentlemen, she is very sorry for having struck you, and apologizes sincerely."
  "No, I d-!" Daphne covered Isabel's mouth.
  "However," she said, "It was unkind to mock their parents. And personal friend of-"
  "Yas, hyu prob'ly right," said Dimo. "Ve take h'our leave, den. Keep oudda trouble, hyu leedle Prinzess. Come on, boys!"
  Moloch waited for them to leave earshot before groaning and rubbing his face. "I am so sorry," he said. "I should've gotten rid of them right away."
  Daphne shook her head. "I'm not as concerned about that as the conduct of my young charge. Isabel Hope Mouseheart! Do you have any idea what almost just happened??"
  "Those Jägermonsters were being mean!"
  "When there are adults present, you let the adults lead the conversation! You do not take it upon yourself to provoke or raise challenges!  Especially not creatures like Jägermonsters!"
  "But-- they were being mean!" said Isabel. "You were letting them!"
  "You didn't give us a chance to say or do anything!" said Daphne. "Your rashness put us all in danger! Do you understand me, young lady?"
  "They don't really like being called 'creatures-' " said Moloch, but Daphne's Look prompted him to be quiet.
  "We are returning to the castle now," said Daphne. "When we do, your parents will know about this."
  "No, nanny, please don't tattle!"
  "It is not 'tattling,' little one," said Daphne, shifting abruptly into a gentler tone. "This is just another thing you need to learn about. Your heart was in the right place - standing up for others - but your actions were not. Do you understand?"
  Isabel pouted. "Yes, nanny," she said softly.
  The group moved on. Isabel asked to be carried by Moloch, who obliged. Daphne checked on the other Mousehearts and, satisfied, walked beside him. He looked from Isabel to Daphne, then smiled.
  "Well done," he said. "It's clear why you're their nanny."
  "She may be fearless in the face of Jägermonsters, but I am not," said Daphne. "We must return quickly to the castle. My undergarments need replacing."


The Boys had not continued their patrol, but had ducked around a corner and waited for the Moloch Party to resume their trek back Castle Heterodyne. Ognian was giving his hand a good sniffing. He held it out to Dimo, who smacked it away.
  "Dun be shticking hyu hend in my face!" he said.
  "But iz de hend hy grabbed de leedle Prinzess vit. Shmells nize!"
  "Hy know dot," said Dimo. "Ve iz vaiting here to follow dem. Shneaky like!"
  His colleagues hummed in agreement and nodded, baring their teeth in large grins.

Here' Part 6.
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