Anyway, turns out my sister (hush,
spacemantis) is a lolfan, not a Twitard. I confirmed this by showing her
magnum opus, and she enjoyed it, rather than be offended.
Thanks the higher(?) powers for that. It would've been bad otherwise, especially when her son (aka. my nephew who I've mentioned several times before) even knows the movie was total crap.
Yes, that movie that we will not speak of almost beat TDK's grosses and is now gearing up to be the #1 movie of the decade, but we all know masses are sheep anyway.
P.S.: Humans, please prove me wrong so I won't give up on you just yet. Signed, your scaly future draconian overlord.
On other things, my flattie (no, not
this one, the other, more FABULOUS one) mentioned a
Magic reference in Family Guy, so I hit Youtube (where everything can be found, as long as the corps haven't found it and/or allowed it) for the clip.
Click to view
I laugh... then I noticed that one of the geeks had a Dell like mine (the guy in the blue outfit, facing away from the rest of the crowd like the good rebel that I am).
Then I laughed harder.
Family Guy couldn't even get it right, since I'm DQ'ed from their ranks already. And no, I'm not referring to the geek cred, ifyouknowwhatImean.