Well again iv been lax in my reporting of my activities. So I guess I should post something…
Been on a much needed holiday after the busy xmass period. Yet again we were left short staffed, we had no assistant manager for THE BUSYEST time of the year. Not so much of a problem really… if you have a manager WTF. We had our manager being sent to another store for the 2weeks leading up to xmass and then the 2weeks after. So I got to be the assistant manager and still work on the weekends which is sucky, but I think I did a fairly good job ;)
So yer that was crazy, and I decided I wanted to go and visit Marky up in Newcastle for a while. Had an early flight up on the thurs, which turned upt well coz I got to hang with Rache for a day. (she’s looking good guys, the diet is working very well ). While in Newcastle we did lots of coffeeeee and shopping, a fair amount of wine too. Played some poker with Rache’s friends Sunny and Ash. Ohhhh so very drunk that night… 4am start for the flight combined with about 3bottles of wine = drunk drunk Maraku.
Had my B’Day dinner at a teppanyaki place. Mmmmm BBQ meat stuffs. Was fun fun thanks for the stories about Europe Ash ;)
OMG it was ‘Hot, DAM HOT! What? Where you born on the sun’. I tell you it was hot, like 40deg every day. So we didn’t go to ‘the hunter’ , but I got to tell you the beach and coffee option is almost as good… and girls Marky is cut as. Rache is going to need a big stick to keep you at bay.
Best night was sat when Rache had to work. Me and Marky went to the pub directly across the road from his place, played pool had about 8 pints of beer and queued up a heap of classic songs on the jukebox. Oh I didn’t mention that the we had the entire pub to ourselves :D gave ManChild a call from the pub to, just to rub it in.
Good trip, good trip.
Back Home for a couple of days then off to Surfmoot.
I really don’t know what I was expecting for surfmoot this time, but it surprised me.
Setting up was quick and drinking started in short order… then we finished setting up the mess tent (waiting for the ropes and pegs to arrive) it went much quicker than I expected, considering the level of drunkenness.
I really love my tent, its so big and warm, keeps the rain off very well. And fits my nice big bed in it :D yer yer the quality of tents is pretty good in general these days but it was years and years before I got this one :P
Picking up Johnny from the I-Port on fri was a real mission… well not so much the picking him up as getting back from Avalon. Good job on the nav work Phyro! Back roads all the way baby.
Band on fri night was very average, but I had gate duty from 10:40 till midnight. So I missed much of the bad ness that could have crippled my poor poor ears. Ok they wernt that bad but they were a cover band and that should make it easy for em to suck less.
Thankfully the band on Sat was awesome.. well maybe not awesome but my level of drunkenness was higher and was in a much better mood. This despite not being able to locate any one I knew. Bumped into a cute girl had been introduced to in passing about a hr before. So had a chat with her while we looked for ppl unsuccessfully. Went for a walk back to the campsite to top up on drink supplies before the band started.
I continued to be my charming self ( insert very cheesy smile here ) and by the time we’d stumbled across the others were getting along almost like old friends. ( and I don’t want any comments on the old bit thank you :P )
Anyway some more drinks and a lot of dancing ensued. I found out Liz was single ( :O that’s right kids you can do that before you make a fool of yourselves ) so continued dancing with the entertaining girl with the enthralling smile.
Much pleased was I when I got a kiss or two from Liz towards the end of the night… this old boy must have some charm left after all.
Got her number on sun morning and now have a lunch date on sat. So fingers crossed that it turns out well… that smile really is a killer.