Q and A numero dos

Sep 09, 2007 10:58

Val: I just meant very basically that you ask yourself a question and then answer it, which Plato sometimes does where theres some random guy like "Oh really? And then what happened?" and then Plato talks for a bajillion pages.
Majinkarp: I never take the Tube cause it costs too much. I walk EVERYWHERE, I have lots of callouses and blisters now. Yay! Also, the Tube sucks, it kinda never works and everyone hates it. Buses are the way to go. On the tube you pay by zone, on the bus you pay 1quid and it gets you anywhere--no transfers.
HOW TO LIE AND GET COOL ROOMMATES: We had to take a compatibility survey to be placed. I put that I'm very studious, and only sometimes go out on weekends(lies), that I study in my room all the time(lies), that I go to bed early and wake up early(lies), and I'm extremely clean and organized(lies). My roommates were therefore awesome, but they lied too, so we are all happy because we all wanted nice, studious, non-asshole roommates, and we got them ^.^
Val: Yanjie is a sophmore right now in college. She went to school with Hoo Young (math prodigy child from Hunter), Yuka (Stuy Valevictorian from Hunter), Jacob Arluck (Hunter), Long Cheng (Hunter), Ethan Sterling (flowing white hair, dressed up like an elf at Halloween, also from Hunter) She says all the Math team captains from her year were originally from Hunter, and all the people in her AP Bio class as well.
I also have a friend, Shali, from Stuy who's in our year. She knew Linda Ye, who was apparently the only girl Hoo Young respected, and was also brilliant at Math. Shali says she was awesome and really nice (we know >_<) Shali is also really nice, soft spoken, reasonable, and extremely generous. Remember that asian girl, Jennifer's friend I think, who was super rich, ridiculously rich? And she was in our AP Drawing and Painting class? Shali is like her, only a thousand times more sensitive to the fact that she is privilaged and genuinely feels philanthropic towards society. She's premed, and loves art. We plan on going to museums together, we've already done Tate Modern. (WE MISSED THE DALI EXHIBIT >_<)

QUESTION: How expensive IS London?
AAAARGH! Too expensive, the English are literally out of their minds. Everything opens at 10, closes at 6, and is closed on the weekends. In other words, London survives entirely on visitors and tourist income, all the natives are perfectly aware that the prices are RIDICULOUSLY INSANE. They all lament for us students and give us tips on how to get cheap food and travel. In a brief fit of madness I considered becoming a "hostess" for Japanese businessmen for 50quid per request :ahem: Didn't end up doing that, but still. I hear prices get better as you go to the farther zones. I live in Zone 1, which is awesome, but yes, expensive. My dorm for this semester costs 6500 USD. We shop at Sainsbury (kinda like Trader Joes) and Tesco (A cheaper version).
The food is not as bad as I remember it being, and London is cleaner now. (They got rid of  rubbish bins to prevent bombings)

What are some of the differences you first noticed being in England?
On the ground in the crosswalks it literally says in huge letters LOOK RIGHT, and LOOK LEFT. There are no stop signs, instead cars simply have to stop for you once you step into the crosswalk. The cars are all pear shaped, the fronts slope down and the trunks hardly exist. The buildings are all shorter, and first floor is actually what we would consider the second floor. Actually I have to go, but I'll elaborate more later.

questions, england, london

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