Supa Green Weekend

Jul 09, 2007 10:45

Weee! First LJ Post in months!

Hi everyone- it was really great to see many of you again this past weekend ^.^
Soon I'll be a-going to London-- so I was planning on keeping in touch with everyone through live journal anyway

Anyhoo Breakdown of Con Part I:

Arrived on Friday at about 2:30, had my badge by 3:30, and spent my time online being annoyed by an RO cosplayer >_>
Claudine.... who are these people?

Spent some of the day hanging out with Igor, and a lot of it attending panels about voice acting and harassing the industry to let me in. I think Mike Sinterclauss might hate me, but damnit he remembers me! Told me to come back to the workshop and he would introduce me to Tom Wayland. Gave Tom Wayland my email-- hopefully I will give him money in exchange for a demo before I go to England.

Went to the concert,  with 12012 performing, it was pretty fun. I sat on the side this time, so I was comfortable, could see, and had a chair. There was no shitty local opening act this time, so that was awesome. Their music was pretty good-- I REALLY liked the guitarist, the singer was aright, the music was very loud and yelly-- I got tired of it sometimes. Wish I'd watched more RxJ

Got back exhausted, but still awake, so I had the privlege (not sarcasm) of watching Renee, Callie and Kat rehearse and giving them some feedback. It was awesome to see them up close, a great skit ^.^ Then fell asleep on the couch-- woke up with a sheet ^.^ thank you someone... Got up at 8:30 so I could run back to Astoria before rehearsal up in a warehouse in Harlem. Rehearsal was awesome, will be whoring myself out very soon about the performance. It was about 2 hours of dancing, so I felt exercised as I rushedbacktothecon so I could change into my "needs-work" Ed costume, and continue to harass voice actors as well as hang out with Greg, Chirs. At 6:30, wandered into the Masquerade and told them I had bad eyesight, they sat me up close, but it was a good thing I'd seen the furuba skit already, cause the freakin PODIUM and SPEAKERS were ON THE STAGE, so no one could see stage right, and of course Anext had technical difficulties, because its run by blindfolded monkeys.

Masquerade was fun, especially if you know a bunch of people winning prizes on things they worked so hard on. After the crying, sceaming, footballing, and many awards, as well as a photoshoot in which I was busy being chased or harassed by FMA fans, we finally ATE SOMETHING.

GAH con diet=not eating more than once a day?? Unless its free.
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