Cranberry Race Report

Sep 01, 2010 20:37

I feel the race report must really start the night before when 1st I couldn’t find my bike shoes or helmet, and 2nd went to put the bike on the car only to find a giant hole in the back tire. Somehow the tube was fine. Ran out the bike store to get a tire, but didn’t have time to change it since we were meeting friends for dinner.

Packed everything up for the morning, got up at 4:30ish, stopped for coffee, and picked up a teammate so I’d have company for the drive down. Once I got there I checked in to get my race packet and got body marked. I still proudly have the big 30 on the back of my calf because after the first few rather stressful months of my 30s, I’m really looking forward to enjoying the rest. Next, I found the nice bike mechanic to put my new tire on. Sure I could have done in myself, but they had a bike stand and better tools and chain lube, and he wasn’t bad looking either.

Set up transition, ran back to the car to get my sunglasses, put on the wet suit, and marched down to the water. As usual, that’s when the nerves kick in. Females 34 and under were the 3rd wave to go off (with navy colored caps). Swimming is by far my strongest part (and unfortunately for my overall time the shortest leg) so my goal is always to catch the wave in front of me, which this time was Clydesdales (BIG guys) and Males 29 and under (with white caps). The start of the swim was a lot more chaotic than any other I had done, but in a competitive way which I how I always do my swim starts anyway (Get out of my way or I will swim over you!) About 5-10 minutes in, I finally stopped splashing around and really started swimming. Somewhere, I lost the crowd so I had no idea if I was way behind or pulled ahead. Looking at the times I was somewhere in the middle, and we just got very spread out. But when I came out of the water there were plenty of white caps which means I beat them out of the water by 5 minutes.

The bike was actually mostly fine for me, I started strong, but I hadn’t done any rides longer than 25-30 so I just couldn’t figure out how to stay strong through the entire ride. It was beautiful ride though. Not perfectly flat, but pretty darn close for MA. I managed to finally figure out how to snack and drink on my bike because I had to, but I’m still not as balanced as I would like. I can’t imagine doing a longer event and having to eat like that all day. Guess, it's just another thing you have to practice. I even successfully made it through the water bottle exchange. It was pretty funny to watch me though because I drink with my left hand, and I had to figure out how to get the bottle to the right to pass it off. Overall I still averaged >14mph so I’m guessing the beginning was much faster and pretty darn slow by the end.

I got off the bike and it took all my will power not to just lay down in transition and stop. But I put on my sneakers and started walking and then jogging. And then PAIN. OMG. My legs were having awful cramps. In retrospect, I needed more salt I believe, so in the future more sports drink less water, or maybe pretzels or something like. But the first two miles were the worst miles I have ever run (hobbled?). I was able to work the cramps mostly out though, and by the 2 mile mark, I had convinced my body that it really did want to run 4 more miles. The run again was mostly flat and parts sun, parts shade. I did run most of miles 2-5, though as rule, I walk through the water stations in all my races. At mile 3 (4?) they had ice chips, and it was awesome. Around mile 5, I started getting cramps again…run…walk…run…walk…..walk….. And then this lovely woman come up next to me at about mile 5.5 and tells me “We’re running together to the end.” And we did! I should have at least learned her number so I could look her up and thank her.

My time was super slow. But I don’t really care. The upcoming half-marathon has got to be cake compared to this. I think I’m my own hero. I had no idea it was going to be as rough as it was, but I finished. And I’d do it again. But with a better training plan. Can’t avoid the unfortunate fact that if I wanted to do this race again, it’s two weeks after Pennsic, but how else will I know if I improved?

P.S. I wanted everyone to see this and not have to repost it in different places so I *am* cross-posting this to FB. Still haven't figured out what my long-term stance on my personal journal is especially since I mostly comment and rarely post, but don't worry: This is not the default on my journal or comments, I'm doing this manually. Since people seem to be figuring out their own comfort level with this, I'm leaving the comments screened, and leave me a note in your comment if you don't want it unscreened.

swimming, bike, running, pennsic, triathlon

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