Look! I've managed to answer a meme!

Sep 30, 2009 12:29

Answers to yesterday's shipping meme, below the cut!

stunt_muppet gave me Old School Who, and then temporalgrace gave me New School, and why we're splitting 'em up, I'm not really sure (I think you guys know my OTP isn't gonna change) but anyway:

(Old School) Doctor Who
+ OTP: Doctor/Master, in every possible incarnation and permutation thereof.
+ Runner-up: I ship lots and lots of things, but I have a special fondness for Two/Jamie, naturally. (OBLIGATORY "6B IS CANON" CAPSLOCKING)
+ Honorable mention(s): Doctor/TARDIS, Ian/Barbara, Ben/Polly, Zoe/Isobel, Benton/EVERYBODY, Brig/Liz, Three/Jo, Three/Brig, Sarah/Harry, Doctor/Romana, Five/Turlough, etc. etc.
+ Crack pairing(s): Doctor/Doctor and Master/Master, if you want to take those as cracky just for violating the Blinovitch Limitation Effect.
+ Ship other people seem to like, but I don't: Is there one? I'll seriously ship pretty much everyone with everyone else in Old Who, whether they've met before or not. I mean, it's a show about time travel, come on!

New Who
+ OTP: Doctor/Master (surprise, surprise)
+ Runner-up: Doctor/Jack, I suppose (Oh, Ten/Jack, my poor lamented OTP of all of, what? the first 35 minutes of Utopia?)
+ Honorable mention(s): Doctor/Donna, Eleven/Amy!
+ Crack pairing(s): Handy/Donna, Handy/Ten
+ Ship other people seem to like, but I don't: Haven't been feeling the Doctor/Rose in the last few years.

nam_jai gave me Star Trek: TNG
+ OTP: Beverly/Picard was possibly one of my very first ships, back when I was like, 13.
+ Runner-up: Picard/Q. I was not a slasher when I first watched TNG, all those years ago, but rewatching it… yeah.
+ Honorable mention(s): Data/Tasha.
+ Crack pairing(s): Uh... Enterprise/space anomaly? IDK.
+ Ship other people seem to like, but I don't: I never really cared much about the whole Riker/Troi/Worf triangle.

entropy_house suspected she could guess my answers for Blake's 7, and I rather suspect she's right:
+ OTP: Blake/Avon, because, as others told me when I started watching it, the show doesn't make sense otherwise.
+ Runner-up: Avon/Jenna (even if it only makes sense in my head)
+ Honorable mention(s): Jenna/Cally, Avon/Servalan and their crazy fucked up… whatever it is they're doing, IDEK.
+ Crack pairing(s): Avon/Orac. OH WAIT THAT'S CANON.
+ Ship other people seem to like, but I don't: Avon/Vila I've never been able to get into, for reasons I've gone into before. Avon/Cally I don't seem to see, either. Not that Avon probably wasn't doing EVERYONE, because he was, but those aren't ships I'm into.

bagheera_san asked for House
+ OTP: House/Wilson
+ Runner-up: House/Cuddy/Wilson
+ Honorable mention(s): Wilson/Amber, Wilson/Cuddy (which is such a horribly, horribly bad idea, possibly up there with House/Cuddy, but HOT.)
+ Crack pairing(s): House/Head!Amber. (Except, er, I think I might ship it pretty majorly, actually...)
+ Ship other people seem to like, but I don't: I never cared much about House/Cameron? Cameron/Chase was also pretty majorly fucked up at first (not in a good way), but I don't really think about them much.

elliptic_eye wanted Torchwood
+ OTP: EVERYONE/EVERYONE. (Was that a cop-out answer? It's true, though.)
+ Runner-up: Anything involving Rhys.
+ Honorable mention(s): Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen (who they ended up making me ship in the end, damn it.)
+ Crack pairing(s): Ianto/BIG FUCKING GUN.
+ Ship other people seem to like, but I don't: I ship everyone, but I'm not hard core about any of them?

lycoris gave me Ashes to Ashes
+ OTP: SAM'S GHOST/GENE'S MANLY EMO MAN PAIN. I know, I'm a sad little slasher, shut up. :(
+ Runner-up: Alex/Gene and their UST of burning, of course.
+ Honorable mention(s): Alex/Shaz (I am, still, the only person on Livejournal that lists Alex/Shaz as an interest, which makes me sad. I ship Chris/Shaz too, of course, but LoM/A2Averse needs more femslash.)
+ Crack pairing(s): Some weird hallucination with Alex/Gene/Sam, if that's crack? (Not sure in the LoMverse...)
+ Ship other people seem to like, but I don't: Uh… I don't think there is one?

And then, acidpenguin46 came in with the late entry of Life on Mars
+ OTP: Gene/Sam (I KNOW, SHOCKER.)
+ Runner-up: Sam/Annie
+ Honorable mention(s): I think I've read Sam/Chris before?
+ Crack pairing(s): Gene/Cortina
+ Ship other people seem to like, but I don't: Ray/Chris is somewhat popular, isn it? Ray's so very deeply in denial I don't see it happening during LoM, to be honest (A2A, on the other hand...)


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