
Aug 28, 2009 19:12

I'm back! And never so happy to return to Scottish weather, let me tell you. Kyoto may still be one of the most beautiful cities on the planet, but DAMN is it still disgustingly hot and humid in August. Ugh, ugh, ugh, after two weeks of 35 degree Celsius heat and 8 billion percent humidity, stepping off the plane to 15 degrees and drizzle has never felt SO GOOD.

Anyway, expect pics at some point in the future, but Virgin STILL hasn't sent me the ADSL modem, so my internet at home is still crap (I have a pre-paid Vodafone 3G wireless thingie to connect with for now, but it likes to randomly kill my computer at times.) Checking the huge backlog of my flist is also going to take some time, so: Use this post to link me to stuff! Fic, spoilers, picspams -- what all have I missed? Got any new gifs you want to spam me with? Go for it! Or just let me know what's new with you, what you had for breakfast this morning, etc. Tell me what's up, cuz I've missed you guys!

In the meantime, despite my brilliant idea to fight jetlag by staying up for the entire 12 hour flight from Kansai to Paris, it's still hitting me with a vengeance, so I think I'm gonna go and collapse now.

japan, help!

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