Picspams: Three-Liz-Brigadier and Three-Jo-Delgado!Master

Jun 28, 2009 01:14

Happy birthday to the lovely and ever-wonderful stunt_muppet! In honour of this event, I come bearing pictures of the two greatest Team TARDISes that never were: Three-Liz-Brig and Three-Jo-Delgado!Master!


Together, they bring the Three S's: Style, Science, and Snark. Which is why Season 7 is awesome, but also why it's a damn shame that they never got to travel in time and space together. Just look at the awesome:

The science!

More science!

The super-cute promo pics!

The obligatory roll-in-the-hay pic! (Damn, I never get tired of this picture.)

Plus, you know they give good banter.

Oh well, even if they can't travel in the TARDIS, at least they have Bessie:

And there's always fun with evil-counterparts.

Speaking of evil, the other threesome that I would've killed to see travel in the TARDIS together:


I think it's pretty obvious from my header, but I love these three together. Obviously, the Three/Delgado!Master dynamic is part of that, but part of it is Jo. I love her, for example, shushing the Master:

(I imagine there'd be a lot of that going on in the TARDIS if they traveled together. And probably also a lot of eyerolling on the part of the Master.)

It works, of course, because Jo's able to hold her own, at least some of the time, against the Master. (See: "How about 'Curses, foiled again'?")

And, of course, she manages to PWN him, and save the world in the process, in the Time Monster.

(Okay, and also? All three of them are pretty hot.)

I guess Frontier in Space almost sort of counts as the three of them traveling together.



Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go re-read bagheera_san's fic, A Mutually Satisfying Agreement, for it has Delgado!Master traveling with Three and Jo during the events of Planet of the Daleks, and it is awesome.

Hope you're having an excellent birthday, stunt_muppet!


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