May 25, 2009 15:12

The DVD for The War Games is to be released on 6 July!

I knew it was coming out soon, but this makes me insanely excited. I love The War Games like mad. Yeah, it's basically 'get captured -> escape -> get captured -> escape -> get captured -> subtext between the Doctor and a renegade Time Lord in a Nehru jacket and Facial Hair of Evol -> escape -> get captured -> ENDING OF HORRIBLE ANGST AND SADNESS'. But it's so much more than that, you guys. I usually have trouble keeping up interest in longer serials, and yet I can watch The War Games in one sitting. And have. On occasion twice in a one week period.

And then the Black Guardian Trilogy is out on 10 August! TURLOUGH, YOU GUYS, TURLOUGH. PLUS A DUDE WITH A BIRD ON HIS HEAD. How can I not have it?

No release date yet for Frontier in Space, except "later this year" (after September, I'm assuming, judging from the other release dates). I need more better-quality caps of Delgado!Master getting belt-whipped by the Doctor, damn it!

warchief!love, who

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