Picspam Meme, Post #3: The Flightdeck Scene from Pressure Point (Blakes 7)

Apr 20, 2009 20:57

entropy_house requested "the seduction on the flight deck couch scene" between Avon and Blake from "Pressure Point" (because this scene? IS PURE CONCENTRATED EYE SEX. I am so not kidding.) The request also happened to fit the current challenge over at picspammy ("Scenes and Sequences") so I've made an attempt at, like, a picspammy style picspam. Because that comm could use some more love for Old School fandoms.

For people on my flist, this also serves as Yet Another Reason to Watch Blakes 7: THE EYE SEXXINS.

(From 2x05, "Pressure Point" -- Prior to the assault on Control.)

Blake: The others have decided to go with me.
Avon: I thought they would. Not very bright, but loyal.
Blake: That leaves you.
Avon: I have thought about it.

Blake: And? Come on, Avon! Stop playing games! You going to go with me or not?
Avon: Well, of course. I am surprised you ever doubted it.
Blake: Thank you.

Avon: Frankly, I don't see how you can do it without me. Your strongest enemies are going to be the defence computers. I am the only one qualified to tackle them.
Blake: Yes, that had occurred to me. You'd better start getting kitted up.

Blake: Did you want to tell me why?
Avon: I like the challenge.
Blake: You don't want to tell me why?

Avon: If we succeed, if we destroy Control, the Federation will be at its weakest. It will be more vulnerable than it has been for centuries. The revolt in the outer worlds will grow. The resistance movements on Earth will launch an all-out attack to destroy the Federation. They will need unifying. They will need a leader. You will be the natural choice.
Blake: Possibly.

Avon: Don't be modest, Blake. You are the only one that they would all follow. You would have no choice. You would have to stay on Earth and organise the revolt.
Blake: If there's no other way.
Avon: There wouldn't be.

Blake: That still doesn't explain why you're backing me.
Avon: With you running the campaign on Earth, somebody has to take charge of all this.

Blake: You want the Liberator.
Avon: Exactly.

Avon: If we succeed, the destruction of Control gives us both what we want.
Blake: Could be you're planning just a little far ahead.

Avon: Perhaps. But sooner or later, I will have my chance.
Blake: There's no hurry.

In conclusion: TOTALLY DOING IT.

EDIT: I've put the original size caps I used up in a gallery, if you prefer them that way. (They have been colour adjusted, but if they strike your fancy for whatever, then by all means snag them.)

picspam, memes, blake's 7, pimpage

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