A selection of random things

Dec 27, 2008 22:39

...in no particular order.

  • High temperature here in Nashville today: 20C.
    Average high temperature in Edinburgh for the month of AUGUST this year: 18C.

  • I have bought three pairs of shoes so far on this trip. This increases the number of pairs of shoes that I own that are not completely falling apart by 300%.
  • I have also achieved one of my other main objectives for the trip and bought a copy of Jeeves and the Tie That Binds. That being the one in which the American edition contains an extra page or so of extra slashiness. Now I must try and have the willpower to save the book to read on the trip back.
  • Watched 'The Next Doctor' on Christmas with my dad, who hasn't seen any Doctor Who since watching it on PBS in the early 80s, and who kept interrupting with questions like, "So where's K-9?" and "What happened to Romana?" Other than that and the fact that I was trying to watch it streaming live on the BBC site and it kept stalling every two minutes, I quite enjoyed it.

  • My parents' cat sleeps lying on her back, with her back legs sticking straight up in the air, and her front paws crossed over her chest. It is kind of insanely cute.

real life, n'ville, random

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