This may pretty much only be interesting to, like, two people on my flist...

Sep 07, 2008 01:08

...and even then possibly not.

Basically, the likelihood of my watching a Japanese drama depends heavily on two criteria:

* Does it feature a member of the band SMAP?
* Does it feature the actor Abe Hiroshi?

The drama that one of the Japanese history lecturers at work burned to DVD for me happens to feature BOTH Abe Hiroshi (second from right) AND Kimura Takuya (center) and THUSLY, I was doomed to watch it:

Yeah. I'm totally weak when it comes to Kimutaku. I CAN'T HELP IT.

The guy who lent it to me described it as "wanting to be the Japanese 'West Wing'." Yeah, that's pretty accurate. Watch just the opening titles on youtube there and, yeah, familiar much? Except for the opening credits and the whole "likeable politician tries to make politics honest again" angle, though, it is very much a Japanese drama -- as evidenced by the closing credits, complete with pop song. Basically? In a lot of ways it's cheesy as fuck, but I'm totally loving it.


Quick rundown: Asakura Keita (Kimutaku) is the politician. The girl, Miyama, is his personal secretary. Nirasawa (Abe Hiroshi) is Asakura's campaign manager and political strategist. Also, for "convenience reasons", they are living together.

...Which Miyama is pretty shocked to discover.

Kimutaku in jammies and Abe wearing a towel. This makes me very happy, yes.


A rather pretty magazine promo shot that the internets turned up:

Anyways, this was a pretty random post. Just thought I'd share.

japanese tv, random, japan

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