Shipping Meme!

Aug 24, 2008 22:46

I got tagged by magicallaw! 'Cept I'm doing the 10 ship version that I stole form omphalos. Also, I've been meaning to post this for a few days, now.

1. List your top ten character ships.
2. Put all of them in order of your love for them - 10 to 1, 1 being your main fixation.
3. Name the movie/show that they're in.
4. Supply photos for said characters.
5. Tag seven people -- Go ahead and do the meme if 'ya wanna!

10. Mulder/Scully (The X-Files)

My first fandom and my first ship -- I've shipped these two since before I even knew what shipping even was. I'll always have special love for this show, even the really annoying bits.

9. Adama/Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)

I want these two to go have a lovely cabin and get high together all the time. GODDAMN CYLONS, harshing on my ship.

8. The Guv/Bollyknickers (Ashes to Ashes)

This is may not be my OTP when it comes to Gene (see, uh, #3 on this list), but they are DAMN HOT. I loves me some scorching hot UST.

7. Two/Jamie (Doctor Who)

These two are such my happy-making Old Skool ship. A lot of my other ships have Serious Issues, but these two are so Happy Gay-Married in Space. (6B IS CANON, DAMN IT, SHUT UP.)

6. Cally/Jenna (Blake's 7)

The first time through watching this show, I totally didn't notice all the subtext between Jenna and Blake, because I was too busy being distracted by all the subtext between Jenna and Cally. 70s femslash for the win.

5. Howard/Vince (The Mighty Boosh)

MASSIVE. GHEYISTS. Okay, my other totally shiny happy-making pair. Also: TOTALLY CANON.

4. House/Wilson (House, M.D.)

(Insert obligatory flailing over the new promo here)

3. Sam/Gene (Life on Mars)

Slamming each other into filing cabinets and up against walls at every opportunity? OH YEAH. I am all about that.

2. Blake/Avon (Blake's 7)

THESE TWO. These two need to stop taking over my brain and breaking my heart. I am becoming more than a bit obsessed.

1. Team Timecock, a.k.a. Doctor/Master (Doctor Who)

O.T.P. Forever and ever, amen.

memes, ashes to ashes, team tiemcock ftw, bsg, picspam, who, blake's 7, life on mars, xf, house

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