Mar 27, 2008 22:02


First off, MAD PROPS to sam42, who MOTHERFUCKING CALLED IT. (magicallaw gets points, too, for pointing out the Tim-Clown thing)

I am also giving myself a little credit for predicting that Evan would somehow be involved, but in a way no one would ever expect. (He was the catalyst, after all. But I wasn't clear on how he put it together and knew what Tim was up to, though, in time to get there and witness the explosion... But I'm just really glad that he wasn't behind it, because, yeah, obvious. Everyone who checked that in my poll gets points, too.) Also, is there anyone who DIDN'T know it was going to be Gene who took young!Alex's hand?

So, some questions:
1) Will we have the Bowie!Clown back next year? (Personally, I hope we get Zippie...)
2) I know this is at least the third time I've asked this, but Alex/Shaz is totally canon, right?
3) Gene at the end saying "Come and join us in the land of the living?" (paraphrasing until I can double-check): significant, or REALLY FUCKING SIGNIFICANT?

And, of course, it ends with them all going drinking. Perfect.

Also, BBC Scotland knows their audience, because immediately after the ending credits, they showed the trailer for the new series of Doctor Who. If it can't be next February yet, I will at least settle for April 5th.

spoilers, squee, ashes to ashes, reaction posts

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