*head desk*

Oct 01, 2007 16:58

Sent translation off to sometimes-boss with a couple of questions about places where I stumbled a bit. Instead of just answering the questions, she went ahead and sent the translation off to the checker, and this made me flail around a bit because nooooooes, it wasn't ready! Especially since I made a huge embarrassing mistake in one place and completely screwed up the subject of the sentence. (This is actually fairly easy to do in Japanese, where having a subject in your sentence is completely optional...)

But while I'm flailing about that, I got an email in my inbox from a company with connections to sometimes-boss, looking for someone with Japanese skillz for part time work, two half-days a week. And it is, again, only short-term. I need a job that is going to be more than two half-days a week for a month, but at the same time I really desperately need an actual job. I also need to read/write/speak Japanese as much as humanly possible because I can actually feel it leaking out of my brain...

So I think it's a case of beggars (and freelancers) can't be choosers...

work stuff, real life, general flailing

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