(no subject)

Jul 29, 2007 10:25

Having lived in this country for several-odd years, I only have a few regrets upon finally leaving Japan:

1) I've never climbed Mt. Fuji
2) I never managed to see all of the 日本三景 (nihon sankei - Three Views of Japan) -- I never made it to Amanohashidate, even though it's in the same prefecture I live in.
3) I have never been much for manga, so I only very recently discovered that I like the genre of ボーイズラブ. I mean, take a look at this cover. Emo-looking dark-haired guy in a brown suit and glasses, practically sitting on a smug-looking guy in a black suit with light, close-cropped hair? Please tell me how I am *not* supposed to buy that?
(I am not much for the 美少年 look, though, so it's sometimes hard finding BL comics where the guys actually, you know, do anything for me.)

I will not miss summer weather here in Kyoto in any way, shape, or form.

moving, japan

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