2011 needs an 11 icon.

Jan 04, 2011 19:04

Well, I've had my recommended booster dose of the US, which should easily last me another two years, and I'm home again! First thing I did was sleep for a solid 15 hours straight, despite the fact that the trip back took less than half the time of the trip over. The trip itself was good -- especially once our luggage finally made it, even though our visit was more than half over by then. (How Air France managed to lose our luggage despite a 14 hour overnight layover, I have no idea.)

But, most importantly, lookit what I got for Christmas:

And it appears to actually play on my computer, so SUCCESS.

I was too busy with relatives related stuff to have a chance to actually watch it yet, so I shall do so POST-HASTE. As the Master's birthday post is still going on over at best_enemies, I should also, like, do something for that. (You know, as part of my 'more posting, less lurking' Resolution that I make every year and then usually fail at.)

Except, oh wait, crap, I've got to go back to work tomorrow.

uk, look a post

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