Merlin 3x05

Oct 10, 2010 00:12

So if the show's just made one of my ships, like, officially really-really-wrong, has it at least made one of my other ships so that it's NOT really-really-wrong? Or are they now BOTH really-really-wrong? In which case, FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU.

(No, seriously, we don't know whether Morgana and Morgause were supposed to be related through Gorlois or through Morgana's mother, do we? Despite my lol'ing when Morgause was all, 'but this is excellent news!' when she found out, if they had thought they were related through Gorlois, wouldn't that have warranted a mention?)

While I'm here, I wish to file a complaint: this now makes TWO episodes in row without shirtless!Bradley James. I mean, COME ON.

reaction posts, merlin

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