But how many holes does it take to fill the Albert Hall?

Aug 16, 2010 22:07

I've never had the hang of making 'so this was my day' type posts, because, really, my days are pretty spectacularly uneventful. To give you an idea, here is a sample day in the life of marah_sarie:

Get up. Check LJ/tumblr/twitter/etc. Re-watch severa's new Sherlock fanvid like three times. Eat breakfast. Get ready. Decide there's an absolute pressing need to start listening to the Bert Coules BBC Radio 4 Sherlock Holmes series again RIGHT NOW, and end up leaving late for work due to fight with iTunes in the process of transferring the files back onto the iPod. Realise I have absolutely no idea how many of them I've listened to before or where I am with them, and so settle on just re-listening to The Reigate Squires because a) it's a good story, b) it has Swooning!Holmes and Protective!Watson, and c) bonus!Peter Davison.

(Random aside: Is there anyone else who's listened to this? If so, am I the only one feeling the need for some Holmes/Detective Forrester? I mean, they totally have a mutual fanboying session over each other, for serious. How often does Holmes go about lavishing praise on a small-town country detective, I ask you? Especially one described as "young-faced" and played by Peter Davison. Yes, yes, not fair to Watson, who gets to spend this whole story convinced that Holmes is on the brink of a complete breakdown, but I say again: played by Peter Davison.)

Anyway. Actually do some work. Decide to keep re-reading Valley of Fear on Gutenberg during lunch, but realise I'm at the really fucking boring flashback part, so give it up to start re-reading HOUN. Do some more work. Go to the gym (which is too loud to properly listen to Clive Merrison's melodious tones, so try to pick up where I left off with The Marian Conspiracy, because I have no such problems hearing C. Baker over the noise of exercise machines). Finish listening to Reigate Squires on the way home. Have left-overs for dinner. Feed the cats. Watch severa's vid again. Watch the Daily Show. Write post. And then probably watch some more vids and then go make a quiche so I have something to take for lunch tomorrow and then go to bed.

Wash, rinse, and repeat tomorrow.

sherlock holmes, random

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