Sherlock 1x03 "The Great Game"

Aug 08, 2010 23:16

Well. On the plus side, I suppose this means a series 2 is pretty much guaranteed, right?

Of course, on the other hand: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MOFFAT AND GATISS, YOU ARE SOME EVIL SONS OF BITCHES. Somewhere they are both sitting and rubbing their hands together and cackling with glee right now, you know it. Probably going, "WHO'S THE EVIL MASTERMIND NOW? MWHAHAHAHAH."

(Not sure how I feel about how they did Moriarty yet. I'm slightly thrown by how young he is. Some people are together enough to become super master criminals, I suppose, while I'm still not grown-up enough to manage to make my bed every day.)

(Also, I ended up getting massively distracted by UNEXPECTED PETER DAVISON VOICE in the planetarium. Win Win Win Win.)

I feel like I have a bunch more to say, but sadly work looms early tomorrow morning and writing actual words and stuff and not just LKAJFLK;DJG;LKSJALKJL;KSDJG takes actual effort. Although, of course, I suppose I have AT LEAST A YEAR before we're likely to get more episodes, so I suppose I can take my time on it. ARGHHHHHHHHHH DAMN YOU MOFFAT.

sherlock holmes, reaction posts

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