Sherlock 1x01 "A Study in Pink" Reaction Post

Aug 01, 2010 17:24

I will let tumblr user jamarish perfectly sum up my non-spoilery reaction to Sherlock:

I've only barely had a chance to skim through my flist for reaction posts (which I will try to reply to at some point, when I have the opportunity), but I can say: no less than FOUR people on my flist made mention of Benedict Cumberbatch needing to play the Master opposite Matt Smith. To which I can only add, YES (and also, I love you all.)

(I have to say that Cumberbatch - and how much fun is typing that name, omg - is definitely similar to Matt Smith in that, really, he's just WEIRD looking, when you get down to it, but he gets a major boost in hotness based on who it is that he's playing. Seriously, when I saw either of them for the first time I didn't think either was particularly attractive, even Cumberbatch, who, as Sherlock, definitely fits my usual type of tall, dark and skinny. One episode later, though? Goddamn. What is that about? Is this just me?)

I love that this show clearly gets what I think is an essential piece of characterization for Watson -- namely, that he gets off on the danger at least as much as Holmes does. ('My first feeling of fear had passed away, and I thrilled now with a keener zest than I had ever enjoyed when we were the defenders of the law instead of its defiers. [...] Far from feeling guilty, I rejoiced and exulted in our dangers.' -- Ahh, CHAS, not only ridiculously slashy, but also full of useful quotes.) Just like the show also makes clear one of my favourite things about Holmes, which is that HE totally gets off on Watson's praise. (I think that may be my favourite moment in the whole first episode, Sherlock telling John that he just said fantastic out loud, John apologizing and Sherlock going, "No, it's fine." That was prefect, right there.) Not that other adaptations have necessarily failed in this regard, I'm just happy that this one is getting it right straight from the get-go.

The modernization really worked for me, as well. Updating Watson's pocket watch for his mobile for Holmes to perform his deductions on was inspired, and switching Harry for Harriet had me flailing about excitedly. Loved, loved, loved the "Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same," text messages. <3

I'm curious about where they'll go with, you know, the drugs. I lol'ed massively at the "three patch problem" line, but I was still slightly disappointed a bit at the time. Since the shot was set up to make us think Sherlock was injecting cocaine, I was thinking that they were shying away from the drug use. I was satisfied later on, though, at the implication that he still does (or did) have a drug problem, 7% solution or otherwise, and I think showing a Sherlock struggling to stay clean could be an interesting way to go with it.

While I'm here, can I just flail a bit over the fact that we have a Sherlock who is textually not-straight?? Whether he's gay or asexual, obviously, is still up for plenty of fannish debate, but despite whatever Moffaty 'is he or isn't he' things Moffat wants to say to the papers, the first episode itself makes pretty clear that whatever Sherlock is, interested in women he ain't. And I'm still kind of a bit *flail* over this.

My only disappointment, I think, was how quickly John's limp appeared to have been 'cured'. Obviously he hasn't been cured of his PTSD, but I would have preferred if we could have kept Watson with his cane and his limp. (Despite this, I still lol'ed over the reveal that John was shot in the shoulder -- canon being contradictory on the matter and Sherlockians arguing over it for freaking ever.)


sherlock holmes, reaction posts

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