30 Days Meme(s): Day 05!

Jul 05, 2010 22:22

30 Days of Who Meme
Day 05 - Your favorite companion

This has got to be the hardest day of the meme, surely. I love so many companions for so many reasons. I love Barbara because, let's face it, Barbara >>>>>> everyone. I love Jamie because he's brave and loyal and totally gay-married-in-space with the Doctor. I love the Brig because, duh, he's THE BRIG. I love Liz because she can outsnark the Brig and told the Doctor where he could stick his test tubes. I love Jo because she pwned the Master, on multiple occasions. I love Sarah Jane because she's still saving the world, 37 years on. I love Romana because she gave as good as she got. I love Turlough because he's a devious alien slutboi tease. I love Martha because she also pwned the Master, and I love Donna because she can slap the Doctor around, and I love Amy because she bit all her psychiatrists.

But, for once in this meme, I'm going to be decisive, and go with:


Because she can pwn a fictional construct twice her size. Because she can destroy a computer with her brain. Because she doesn't need the Doctor to save the Earth from a Cyberman invasion, she's just fine doing it herself, single-handedly, in under 30 seconds. Because she rocks that sparklybum catsuit.

The 30 Days of Telly Meme
Day 05 - A show you hate - skipping, because this post should be made purely of awesome and nothing else.

Thirty Days of Doctor Who - Full List | Thirty Days of Telly - Full List

picspam, 30 days meme, zoe can blow up computers with her mind, who

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