ドクター・フー on DVD

Jun 25, 2007 21:22

Bit the bullet and orderedSeries 1 and 2 of Doctor Who on DVD. ¥18,144 per series is criminal, especially since it has basically no special features, unless you count the fact that it's in Japanese. Which, to me, is worth ¥18,144 per series.

Once they're delivered (should be Wednesday, I'm guessing) and once Series 3 is over I plan to watch them all again, so expect posts on such exciting topics as why I think it's awesome that Jackie Tyler uses masculine sentence final particles, the Ninth Doctor's use of personal pronouns specific to Northern Japan, and how come Cassandra calls the jukebox in The End of the World a cassette player instead of an ipod. Yes, it will be fascinating, for sure. :) (Oh, and I might upload more clips of Jack hitting on people in Japanese. That's always fun.)

who, ドクター・フー

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