Or maybe they *have* all mentioned it and I've just been living under a rock...

Jun 21, 2010 22:42

I'm kind of surprised that none of the big Doctor Who speculation/clue-hunting posts I've seen have mentioned this:

The scene with the crack in Eleventh Hour played back to back with the flashback to the same scene in Cold Blood. Hint: They're not the same.

image Click to view

(hat-tip to triskaidecagon on tumblr)

In other news, I was supposed to be working on a pimping picspam for Mind of Evil tonight. And then suddenly it was half past ten and STILL LIGHT OUTSIDE. Dusk is at 11:05 p.m., dawn tomorrow morning at 3:24 a.m. Four hours and 19 minutes of night. I will never get used to this, and yet I am far, far more upset than I should be that the days are just going to get shorter now.

random, who, look a post

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