Mental health meme

May 31, 2010 07:45

1. What mental illnesses are you currently diagnosed with? What diagnoses have you had in the past? (ONLY count what a medical professional has diagnosed you with. If you're not neurotypical, you can put that here.)
::sigh:: Panic disorder with a side of social phobia Dr. C is sure of. She's floated the idea of PTSD from pregnancy as well, but I don't know if it's quite a "diagnosis" yet.

2. What other problems do you face that you feel you need help for? (This is stuff that you suspect might be a problem, but haven't gotten help for, for whatever reason.)
Um...I pick my scalp. Until it bleeds. This is only the second time I've ever admitted that. I haven't even talked about it with Dr. C.

3. Do you agree or disagree with your diagnoses? Why or why not?
Hell yeah. I'm convinced of the PTSD from pregnancy too. ::snort::

4. Have you ever been hospitalized for your mental illnesses? If so, do you think it helped or hurt you?
No, although there were one or two times (hi, Los Angeles!) it might have been a good idea.

5. Do you take prescription medication for your mental illnesses? If so, what?
I currently take Zoloft and occasionally (as needed) Klonopin.

6. If you don't take prescription medication, why? If you're anti-medication and wish to elaborate on why, feel free.

7. Are you in therapy for your mental illnesses?
Hell, yeah. I'd definitely not be able to cope without Dr. C's reality check.

8. How does your mental illness affect your life and relationships?
Oy. How does it not? I'm always worried about whether I've offended people or said the right things. I worry that if I do certain things I'll get a panic attack. sometimes supportive and sometimes not, which I think is typical for the spouse.

9. Who or what in your life is helpful when it comes to dealing with your mental illnesses? Why?
You guys are the absolute best ever ever ever. ::hugs you:: I am fairly sure I wouldn't currently be alive if not for my flist. You guys listen and support me and (most importantly) kick my butt when I'm being an idiot.

My sister is also great, because she also has panic disorder, so she gets it and I can call her to talk about it. Obviously psychologist Dr. C is helpful, as is psychiatrist Dr. P.

10. Who or what in your life is harmful when it comes to your mental health? Why? How do you minimize the effect they have when it comes to your mental health?
::snort:: My husband? My MIL! I just try to ignore stupid shit. Not much else I can do, y'know?

11. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your mental illnesses?
No, I'm happy to say. When I was first diagnosed, my boss at the time was seeing the same therapist. And my next job was at the American Psychological Association, so they weren't exactly big on the discrimination :)

12. Have you ever had anyone (personally or professionally) minimise or outright ignore your symptoms?
Personally? Hell, yeah! My MIL is definitely a "just cheer up" kind of woman. And I don't think any of us have the time to get into how Avi has minimized and/or ignored symptoms, do we? No.

I also don't care to rehash how pretty much every single RL person who isn't also on LJ completely minimized my symptom related to pregnancy. See: pregnancy whining filter.

Professionally? Hmmm. I did have one OB/GYN who kind of ignored my symptoms of major postpartum panic. I think she really just didn't understand that it was worse than normal. I was only about two days postpartum, so I think she figured I'd get better soon. Fortunately, I already had Dr. C and I found Dr. P soon after that, so it was okay.

13. Do you think your mental illness makes you stronger? If so, how?
No. No way, no how. I think my mental illness makes me back down when I should stick up for myself. I think it makes me back down from challenges.

14. What advice would you give to other people with mental illnesses?
Get help, whether it's therapy or drugs or both. Don't be afraid of the drugs, but don't neglect your own thought processes. Find people who can support you and listen, but also people who known when to get off your ass and do something. Hang in there.

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mental health, meme

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