"Sunny days, sweeping the clouds away, on my way to where the air is sweet..."

Feb 18, 2010 17:43

Christopher Maloney is a quack! I do the bidding of PZ Myers :)

Oh lordy, the trike-a-thon is getting closer and Avi hasn't even started building the cityscape. Seriously, people, if he doesn't come through on this, I will never be able to show my face at the preschool again. I don't want to be a nag, but this is a fairly substantial project and he can't do it at the last minute!

I've come up with possible designs for six "museums" on the Mall and I pestered him to bring home some empty boxes from work. ::sigh:: We'll see.

ETA: This post has been sitting here most of the day. Meanwhile, Avi says he's got some good cardboard for this and he seems to be on the ball. ::crosses fingers:: Pretty please with sugar on top?

Barak screamed for a full hour last night before falling asleep. I hate "cry it out", but it reminds me of the old (Churchill?) line about democracy: Cry it out is the worst form of sleep training...except for all the others. ::headdesk::

There's going to be a parent education session at the school soon, where a child psychologist will be answering questions. I can't decide what I should ask about. The way Yael screams and yells and disrupts things any time I answer the phone? The way she picks her brother up and then drops him? How she refuses to acknowledge people's presence when they say hello to her? (Not in a shy way, but in a "turn up her nose" way.) The bedtime battles?

(Obviously, I'm not concerned that any of these issues is serious or abnormal or anything like that. They simply drive me FUCKING INSANE and it might be nice to have some suggestions how to deal with them.)

Okay, Yael's eaten her dinner and now it's time for me to share mine with Barak. (I've got leftover Thai chicken curry we made a big batch of and Barak likes the peas and the peppers and the rice.)

yael, beps, barak, tzedaka, husband

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