Nov 14, 2009 19:39
::flails:: Yuletide assignment!!!!
Okay, it's not in the one "OMG, WAS I HIGH WHEN I SIGNED UP?" fandom, so that's good. It's also not in a fandom I've written before (well, not exactly ::evil grin::), which is kind of nice. I will need to review some canon, but not a ton, so that's even better. (There were definitely a few things I signed up for, thinking "Oh, I have all the canon" but I didn't consider how much of it I might need to review :D)
Best of all, this will be a seriously fun story to write. I've got a good prompt, the kind that gives a few intriguing ideas without getting too specific. I'm about to go check my recipient's LJ/website and see if I can get some other ideas for the story. Then I'm going to go get my copies of the canon and stash them on the bookshelf up here, where they're easily accessible.
Squeeee! Yuletide is the best :)