Sproglet and boy things

Oct 03, 2009 17:10

Yael: Singing toes and model toes, singing toes and model toes! (Okay, you've probably got to be Jewish to get it, but I nearly died laughing.)

Also, this weekend Yael has custody of her class Shabbat bear, whose name is Dubi Dov Ber (yes, his name is Bear Bear Bear, so sue me). She is immensely cute, lugging him around and setting up his little platter of candlesticks and kiddush up and challah. Too cute for words. I've been trying to get a good picture to send back to school, so maybe I'll post one.

The boy remains convinced he can walk and if we'd just let go of his hands he'd be on his way. He's actually managed to take most of a step toward me. He is going to walk very early methinks, considering he can already use the baby walker to walk across the room. He's mostly hampered by the footie pajamas he spends most of his time in.

He is incredibly interested in the food we eat, often lunging with great force to try and get to a plate. Last night he spent at least half the dinner time gnawing away at a heel of bread with great enjoyment. He stopped every once in a while and grinned broadly with a look that clearly said "Look at me! I've got grownup food! Ha!" He does pretty well with jarred foods but he's not chewing all that well yet, so I'm holding off on too much more chunky stuff for a little longer. Although for some reason he can safely eat pretzels. ::shrug::

After I wrote the above, we went to sushi and Barak spent most of the time chewing on a slice of pickled radish. I hope the picture I took comes out, because it was adorable. Baby's First Pickled Vegetable! Baby's First Sushi!

tiwtr, yael, barak

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