Oh, that was exactly what I needed right now :)
Squee! Okay, that's not a spoiler, but it just had to be said. I can't tell you how much I needed Eureka back on my TV right now. I loved this episode! I continue to love the Jack and Zoe father/daughter thing and I nearly cried when he offered to let her stay. That was a perfect moment, which they've been leading up to as he starts to get less clingy and trust her more, and she becomes more worth trusting. And, of course, Jack&Jo are awesome. She wants his job and everybody knows it. But she wants it fair and square.
Sheriff Andy was hilarious! In less than an hour they introduced him, made me dislike him, made me like him, and made me hope he comes back again.
And, needless to say, SARAH was awesome. What was the line? "My artificial emotions got the better of me." ::snerk:: I liked how Jack got her to confess too.
And in a few more days, we get more Leverage. Hooray!