'Toons and party and such

Jan 14, 2009 12:34

I finally got to see the Outsiders episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I enjoyed the Batman&Wildcat interactions a lot. I can totally buy Batman trying to argue Wildcat into retiring, even by being mean to him. And then Bats' sweet "And I didn't want to lose another one" was awesome. And yes, I screamed "No, don't kill off Ted!" when he collapsed.

As for the Outsiders as kid bad guys, well, they were cute. ::shrug:: It seems like the DCU is big enough that they could have used someone other than two of the very few characters of color for this storyline, but I still enjoyed it. I mean, it's possible they were trying to be all clever and equate the outsiderness of superpowers with the outsiderness of being a minority, but I doubt it ;) Anyway, different 'verse, different backgrounds. And they do become good guys at the end, so that's good.

For those who are on the whining filter, I'm much less grouchy today, probably because I've eaten something :D Still not much sleep, though.

::runs off to book site for Yael's party::

Okay, assuming the date hasn't magically been taken by now, Yael's party will be February 8 at a nearby rec center. Ugh, I wish it didn't cost quite so much to rent it. Or I wish we had space to have a party here. Oh well. ::shrug:: Anyway, I've got gift bags and some ideas for party games, so I'm sure it will be fine. Hey, they just called to let me know the date is available. That's nice!

Must go eat lunch now, even though I'm not really hungry. ::sigh::

yael, toons

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