Another thing I haven't been posting about is the idiotic movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Because really, everybody knows what I think of creationism, I suspect. So, nobody needs another rant from me about the intellectual dishonesty of the movie's producers and how they lied to PZ Myers, Richard Dawkins, and my beloved Eugenie Scott and why pretty much everything they claim in the movie is wrong.
However, you gotta love
Scientific American pwning Ben Stein. (Gacked from various folks on my flist.) When John Rennie gets his snark on, it's a beautiful thing :) (I heard him speak some years ago at a science writers conference. He's...young. And kinda cute, IIRC.)
And I've got
Expelled Exposed bookmarked for when I have some time to read it, because I love the National Center for Science Education. (C'mon, the people who created
"Project Steve" are sheer awesome! They wrote a paper for the Annals of Improbable Research called
The Morphology of Steve!)