Bring me the head of Dan DiDio (again)!

Dec 29, 2007 16:34

Okay, did I miss it or has nobody commented on the fact that DC's biggest scumbucket Executive Editor Dan DiDio once again proved that he couldn't find a clue with a map and a flashlight he's a jerk? I just got around to picking up comics and found that in DC Nation (his column at the back) he's put together a "holiday wish list" for various characters, which includes the following:

Robin - A memorial for Stephanie Brown Can't do!

Someday he's going to go to a con and a woman is going to walk up to him and punch him in the face and he will have no idea why.

If I'm very lucky and a very good girl, I can only hope that woman might be me. ::crosses fingers and hopes against hope:: In the meantime...BRING ME THE HEAD OF DAN DIDIO!

::hates very very much::

::hates some more, just for good measure::

But Blue Beetle was really good again...


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