
Oct 02, 2014 12:27

Sign up for Alpha's Magical Fic Exchange! Write me Power Rangers fic! Pleeeeeaaase? Pretty please with sugar on top? The only thing that would make me happier would be someone writing me Super Sentai fic :D

You can sign up for Alpha even if you can only write one season, I swear.

I'm SO EXCITE. Can you tell?

In less fun news, our neighbor across the street broke down in our living room yesterday because her husband announced that he's leaving her. And their twin daughters. Oh yeah, and he told her while they were visiting his family in El Salvador, while one of the girls was recovering from having her appendix out. Lovely fella, no?

So I'm in charge of the girls after school for...well, who knows how long. Which I'm happy to do, because they're sweeties and they're usually here after school anyway. But...yeah.

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power rangers, writing

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