Meta is so fun

Jun 16, 2014 08:46

I loved every con.txt panel I went to, but I have to give a special shoutout to Werewolf Torts and Undead Annuities, where we got to discuss the legal implications of various fandoms' premises.

Like, if you're the alpha werewolf, are you legally responsible for the dumbass things your subordinate werewolves do? (Hell yes, and please people write more fic about this.) How do you structure pensions when you're dealing with a mortal and immortal workforce? (Complicated.)

I wondered about how you structure property insurance in a universe where buildings are getting squashed every other week. Someone responded with "Instead of acts of God, are there acts of robot?"

I can't remember what the exact statement was, but Likeadeuce said something and I just burst out with "That was the greatest sentence ever." Because OMG, the hilarity of trying to deal with the things the creators have chosen to ignore was so awesome.

If I had to pick one panel to have recorded and be able to play over and over, that would be the one. Not because the others weren't amazing, but because I feel like I could write a million fics if I just kept getting ideas from there.

I was telling Avi about my idea of writing a fic about a beleaguered insurance adjustor in the PR 'verse and he had the best idea ever, of writing instead about a building inspector and what building codes would look like! ::dies:: I might just have to do this. It'll take some research, but I'm pretty sure I can pull it off. After all, I pulled off "Engineering 101" and was even praised by an engineer for not screwing it up :)

Also, I promised I would at least try and write the first story for a multiverse that 'rith and greenygal and I want everyone to write in. It needs a better name, but for the moment it's the Awesome Ladies Poker Night. Basically, everyone needs to get awesome ladies from all over fandom together to hang out, spar, eat, drink, work, whatever.

I'm going to try and write the one that sets the scene. No guarantees, though, so if anyone else would like to take a stab at this, please feel free!

And on that note, I need to pack up the computer to head to my parents' house. I won't have Internet, so I can't work, but I might as well take the time to maybe try and write fic. We'll see.

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writing, fandom

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