Not feeling the funny

Dec 16, 2012 23:05

Argl. I would really like to write this piece for the Purim issue of the shul newsletter, but I'm not feeling the funny. The gag is that we're changing all our kiddush foods to "organically grown, locally sourced, sustainably harvested, and environmentally friendly."

I need a quick brainstorm session of weird trendy foods. Just throw out anything that comes to mind and maybe it'll spark something in my brain. Like, something you saw on a reality show and thought "Holy crap, people actually eat that?" or "Why? Why would anyone do that to perfectly good [whatever]?"

If you happen to be Jewish and can channel Saturday mornings at shul, even better, but right now I'm just lacking in inspiration and you folks have never let me down :)

Of course, that's not even getting into my Yuletide fic. I thought I'd solved my problem, but...bears. I'm being pursued by BEARS, people. Big hairy bears that are breathing down my neck. I've never gotten this close to defaulting :(

I'm not feeling the pairing that I'm trying to write, which is really the problem. I've got to take a step back and think about why I thought I could pull it off, even if it's not a pairing I would have chosen.

I do think they're very very close. I think their friendship is incredibly important to them. I know that later they will remain close friends but marry other people. I think the problem may be that I want to write the story that does that transition, but it's not happening.

Given the time constraints, I think I need to step back and try very hard to just write a fun story about them early in their relationship (which doesn't need even the tiniest bit of graphicness) and not worry so much about how they get to the point of canon.

I could probably still use my original ending idea if I really wanted to, but I think I have to give up on my original plot. I can't see the transition for them, emotionally or physically, so I'm not going to be able to write it, especially given the constraints of the canon. (I'm not saying the characters as written in canon couldn't make that transition, just that I can't personally see how to make it work.)

Okay. Okay. I might be able to do this. ::hyperventilates into a paper bag:: I've just got to focus.

Focus on...Yuletide, Purim shpiel narration, Small Gov't Agency work, Suddenly Sprockets! work, getting Coughing Boy to the ENT to see why he's coughing again, figuring out what the kids and I will do over winter break and...whatever the hell else I've been idiotic enough to volunteer for.

::hyperventilates some more::

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holiday, yuletide, megillah madness, work

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