Aggle flaggle klabble. Wumby flappy? Snurp?

Feb 10, 2012 12:06

(20 points to anyone who recognizes the source of the subject line. My icon is only slightly a hint.)

I'm all verklempt over the RL thing I can't really talk about publicly. I did talk about it to a few people under very tight filter because if I didn't talk about it to someone, I was going to explode. It's not really a subject I can discuss with my husband. ::coughs::

I'm relieved that I've finally figured out the business liability insurance thing. My mistake (get this) was to actually try to get the insurance they put in writing that I had to have. No, seriously. Once I stopped trying to meet their impossible demands and got some random insurance that might or might not actually cover me under any circumstance that is likely to occur, it all went smoothly. KILLMAIMDESTROY. But the rate is down to $275 a year, which only eats up a quarter of my likely profits, rather than half.

I forgot to take my crazy drugs last night so now I'm even more edgy and wiped out than I would be normally. Dumbkopf. (You might ask: Mara, how can you be both edgy and tired? I don't know, but I'm very talented.)

Next Friday is the meeting with the county to discuss Barak's future treatment. I'm not really nervous about it, per se, since his progress is significant enough that even if they decide he's not eligible for more services, I'm confident he'll continue to catch up, even if it's not as quickly. But it's just one more thing, y'know?

Vaguely related, I was making a mental list of all the things I do around here. The partial list includes tracking birthday parties and school events, registering the kids for camp and Barak for preschool, getting the kids up and dressed, making lunches, 20 hours of paying work a week, Public Safety chair for the neighborhood association, making sure Yael has done her homework for school and Hebrew school, tracking the calendars for all three schools, laundry, dishes, most of the cooking and grocery shopping, signing permission slips, taking the cars in for repairs...

And that's just the beginning. It doesn't even include little details like playing with my kids, reading to them, etc. Y'know, minor stuff like that.

Speaking of which, Barak has been very patient, so it's time to go play with him for a bit.

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