The Big C

Jan 24, 2012 19:18

So yeah, Avi's mole is cancerous. Well, pre-cancerous. Ish. ::shrug:: He needs to go back so they can cut a larger chunk out of his arm, just in case. It's going to be big enough that the dermatologist thinks he's going to need a plastic surgeon. Oh goody.

Well, thank goodness we have good health insurance, right? ::throws hands in the air::

In better news, I co-oped in Barak's class this morning and the kids are just as adorable as I expected. Cute and fun and exhausting, since Barak kept me up much of last night. ::sigh::

In not better news, yesterday was the funeral for Devorah Golinkin. Not the most fun although it was amusing to see some people I don't see very often.

My poor parents were at a funeral on Saturday as well. My father said weakly, "A funeral a day keeps...the undertaker away?" We agreed that it neither scanned nor made any logical sense.

Back to better news, I get my contract back with Small Gov't Agency because my homeowner's insurance agreed to give me business liability insurance for $11 a year. I'm happy to work for them, especially because the office is about to move a mile away from my house and maybe I could work there full-time someday!

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family, barak, health, husband, work

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