Oh yeah, feed the cranky, people. That's a GREAT idea.

Nov 02, 2011 17:15

While emptying Yael's backpack this afternoon, I found a book: Poems and Prayers for Young Children. O_o

Very very calmly, I asked Yael where the book came from. "It was Salma's birthday, so she gave these out." So, okay, at least her teacher hadn't given them out, which would have caused me to explode in white hot fury.

But seriously? Seriously? Your kid turns 7 so you distribute a sickly sweet piece of Christian propaganda to her classmates? I can't even. ::throws hands in the air:: WTF is that about? Is this something I'm going to encounter a lot in a not-Jewish school?

Obviously, this book is leaving the house immediately for the thrift store, where I'm sure some nice Christian parent will be happy to get a brand new book for their kid. And I'm fighting the desire to write Salma's parents a very snippy note explaining that not everyone is Christian.

Please tell me it would be both useless and rude to write the note. My good side needs the backup, because it's losing to the obnoxious side.

This entry was originally posted at http://mara.dreamwidth.org/151212.html, where there are
comments. Please feel free to comment either here or there.

rant, religion

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