Yeah, so it turns out if you send an e-mail to the wrong address, people won't reply. Crazy, huh? Of course, since the address I sent to (internal to Suddenly Sprockets!) was apparently valid, it would have been nice if the person had replied. Maybe my messages looked like spam? Or maybe they're on vacation. ::sigh::
Anyway, I'm feeling like a bit of a doofus because I finally sent an e-mail to both one of my bosses and the woman who assigns out projects and my boss was like "Um, yeah, that's not Angel's address."
What I can't figure out is how I could have the wrong address in my e-mail and the right one apparently isn't there? I've definitely e-mailed Angel before and gotten replies, so WTF did I or Thunderbird do?
I've been faffing around with no work to do for most of the week because I'm an idiot with social anxiety who refused to IM Angel. ::headdesk:
Yael starts Hebrew School again tomorrow. Hopefully she'll have less of a doofus teacher this year and I won't have to break out any of the other awful violent Bible stories for her projects.
We also need to change banks, because Wachovia/Wells Fargo has decided to start charging for online banking or maybe just charging for when Avi downloads data to Quicken. Either way, they can kiss our tuchis. We've had a no-fee account for donkey's years, but we're more than happy to take our money out and move to Eagle Bank if that's what's necessary. Heck, Eagle's got more ATMs in this area anyway.
Okay, Yael is awake, so I'm going to go feed her breakfast.
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