Jul 21, 2006 19:21
I am so hungry! I think I smell baked potatoes, which is good. Im so hungry.
So this week was a good week! I worked an OK number of hours, and my cousin Shivahn, was visiting my Nana, so Molly and I slept over at my Nana's a few nights. This was excellent for many reasons. Firstly and most importantly was the opportunity to have major girl time with my Nana, Molly, and Shivahn. Second was the pool at my Nana's condo complex, and third was her air conditioning. However it is still really weird to go to my Nana's house and not still expect my Pa to be coming back from golfing any minute. Of course I deal with this by essentially pushing it to the back of my mind because I never feel emotionally ready to deal with emotions. Not for anything really, so why should this be any different.
But so we watched several movies, including the First Pirates of the Carribean, because my Nana didn't remember it (and I didnbt really either), then also The Lake House, which is good if you totally, and completely suspend all reality and even then, you have to suspend like, surreality for it to not make you say things like "but if she does that, how would they be able to do the thing that ....know what, nevermind..." Just that whole stepping on a butterfly in dinosaur time means wiping out the entire otter race which means rivers are otter free which means no one wore otter hats which means so-and-so was never a millionaire which means this person never got funding which means the entire human race was wiped out by syphillis. That sort of dilemna.
We also watched Bridget Jones Diary, which Shivahn had never seen before and which i adore/idolize.
Yesterday, I went to my orthodontist appt. which was at 8:15 in Westfield. While I was driving there, a jeep type vehicle drove past me at a red light and into an autpparts store. the co-pilot driver looked very much like an unshaven amar, esp b/c he was reading a map and making the same sort of face amar makes when he is concentrating. It sort of looks like his neck has disappeared and his lip juts out. But so I was fairly distracted by trying to figure out if this was just me being crazy or really amar. Anyhow, I have no idea, as I had to get to my appt. and had no time to embarass myself by approaching some unshaven stranger who makes the same weird face as amar.
And then I went to the beach! With Molly and her friend, who I work with, sarah. I drove, we went to hampton. When we got there, as we were laying the blanket down, i saw a guy standing directly behind me. After the attention we had gotten driving, all I could think was "We are getting hit on already?! We jsut got here!"
But no! It was, in fact, my cousin Ian! With shivahn and aunt susan not too far behind. We said hello and that we should sometimes coordinate a beach trip.
And then we enjoyed the beach.
And then we enjoyed the boardwalk.
And then we drove home.
Except halfway through the drive, I got really, really grouchy. I had forgotten to put on sunscreen because it was such an overcast day, and so, as I burn easily, I was now BRIGHT GODDAMN RED. Lobster red. And it hurt! esp where my seatbelt rubbed my skin. And sarah really wanted to drive, but she has her permit, it was raining, dark out, we were driving on 90, and for some reason, ppl were more stupid than normal. SO, instead, I bought an iced latte, took three IBProfuen, and drove like a maniac home, listening to upbeat music and ranting about how much I hated everything.
Today i went out to eat with emily. the food was delicious, and it was SOOOOOOOO nice to see her! Hopefully I can get my ass in gear and organize more hanigng out more often. We also went grocery shopping, which was funny bc we couldnt find anything on her moms list, like it was our first time shopping on our own.
Now, I am going to eat a burger!!!!!!
With tomato, cheese, and a toasted bun! Well grilled, Dad, well grilled!
PS i missed seeing dylan's girlfriend who came over to make rosary beads, but not really, while I was at work! goddamn!