May 24, 2007 16:09
Alright, so i dont yet have a stress, i dont have a teaching job OR just some sort of way to sustain myself...
Productive things I have accomplished:
my half of the room I share with my sister is (mostly) clean and organized with rearranged furniture! also, with comp/tv/dvd (dvd involved my fixing my player!) capability. and like, actually nicely decorated with matching involved...
i have officially applied for my teaching license and paid for it!
i have made plans (semi-complete) to go to England with my sis and Nana and to Denver, prob with just Dyl. I have worked more extensively on eng. but den is like, babysitting gig for cute cousin, so prob involves....PAYMENT!
i have applied (partially) online to the Holyoke Pub. School Deptartment
I have sought anf printed out applications for random other jobs@
I have sought out online other teaching positions...possibly overseas?
Things Still Needing to be done:
thank you cards for graduation money and such
thank you cards to student teaching people
finish applying to Holyoke Public Schools
Apply to other places as well, schools and like...anything...
finish internship from past semester...still have work from it and now my first class is refusing to work so cannot email....UGH
finish cleaning/organizing room...sort things packed up still into "can stay packed" and "needs a place here now" etc.
...maybe thats it...
ok, my prob with applying for summer jobs annoying and am taking like, two one-week long vacations. i mean, the vacations make me annoying, im not generally just annoying...not generally...also, i would then be leaving/cutting hours to work as a teacher...if i had a teaching job that is...UGH
other than that...i went to the butterfly conservatory with eileen, who is leaving for EUROPE so soon! and we might, might become the proud lesbian mothers of some adorable button quails! they are smaller than many of my purses, these quails, and the babies were the size of WALNUTS!!! like, leetle chicks the size of walnuts, so adorable. anyhow, they were adoptable from the conservatory, so...we might be getting some!