Fic: "Mountains" -- Luke/Mara, G, 1/1

Jun 20, 2008 11:40

Title: "Mountains"
Author: deaka
Timeframe: During Union
Setting: I quote, "Vlassy nature reserve, Garqi, Outer Rim" :p
Keywords: Missing scene, canon, vignette, romance

Summary: Tranquility works best in small doses.

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theme:missing scene, length:vignette, ship:luke/mara, theme:romance, era:new republic, fics, author:deaka

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Comments 14

archaeologist_d June 20 2008, 02:29:16 UTC
LOL on the mountain climbing. It was sweet to read that he could read her better now, the tilt of her lips, etc. Now that they had been around each other for a while and had fallen in love.

I liked that she was bored and pulled him into climbing mountains, even though it really wasn't for either one of them. :P LOL on him having a hard time hiking up.

Nicely done.


deaka June 25 2008, 02:43:37 UTC
The Force has benefits, but I think Luke would still get a kick out of being able to read meaning into Mara's expressions now. And she dragged the poor guy out bed to hike up a mountain, no wonder he was peeved. ;)

Thanks so much for reading.


favouriteyear June 20 2008, 03:28:37 UTC
This is so very in character and so very perfect.

I love it. Great writing. :)


deaka June 25 2008, 02:49:05 UTC
Thank you so much. :D


lotusflower85 June 20 2008, 21:13:47 UTC
You're so good at writing banter - it is perfect here, playful, and yet with some great insight into character. Wonderful, as always!

I like Mara's answer to climbing the mountain was because it was 'there' :D


deaka June 25 2008, 02:50:40 UTC
Thanks for that comment about the banter - I tend to think my attempts at banter are horrible. :p

So glad you enjoyed! Thanks for reading.


general_solo June 21 2008, 04:49:23 UTC
Very nice to read this little piece of everyday life between Luke and Mara as they try to compromise with each other. Nicely descriptive too, especially his realizing he could now read some of her emotions when once he couldn't.

Luke out of breath...yeah, I bet Mara loved showing him up every chance she could. :)


deaka June 25 2008, 02:51:35 UTC
I think it would be quite a shift, given that they're both fairly used to living alone. And thank you! Mara wouldn't mind the opportunity, I'm sure. ;)


tianaluthien June 21 2008, 17:04:01 UTC
Oh that was lovely. I'm feeling a little too tired to come up with much else to say, but really...I just loved every moment, and how "ordinary" it was. :)


deaka June 25 2008, 02:52:00 UTC
So glad you enjoyed! Thanks for reading. :D


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