Fic: Veil of Shadows, 3/13, PG-13

Jun 15, 2008 11:42

Title: Veil of Shadows 
Rating: PG-13 
Warnings: None 
Category: AU, angst, romance 
Timeframe: OT; around time of ANH 
Summary: A strange tale where the good guys are bad, the Empire has won, and a Sith adept pursues the girl of his nightmares.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


3. The Nature of Demons

Tonight the dream was different.

She was still wearing the white gown, but this time she was in a desert, trying to climb a massive dune. He raced after her, calling for her to slow down. He reached the top of the dune right behind her, but when he tried to grab her arm, she pulled out a new weapon.

The snap-hiss of a lightsaber was unmistakable. She whirled on him, her magenta blade burning as intensely as the two suns overhead.

He reached for his own saber, only to find that it was gone.

She swung at him, forcing him backward down the sandy slope. He lost his footing and fell onto his side, beginning to roll down the dune. When he came to a stop at the bottom, he looked up to see her bent over him, blocking out some of the light.

“Why did he do this to me?” she asked, her voice cracking.

I don’t know, but please don’t leave me.

He lifted his hand to touch her face, so near he could see the little droplets of sweat making trails down her neck. There was a brilliant, blinding flash of light, and then she was gone.

He pulled himself to his knees and ran his hands over the scorching sand. Set me on fire, he ordered to the sand. Burn me now.

Burn me forever.


He awoke with beads of sweat all over his skin. The twin suns of that desert planet had burned her image even deeper into his brain. All he could think of, all he could feel, was that he had to be with her.

“Why did he do this to me?”

He wanted to find the answer to that question. He wanted to take her in his arms and promise to end her suffering.

She could end my suffering.

I didn’t always want to be this way, did I?

Her eyes followed him into his waking life. They were so strange, so complicated. In them he had seen pain, defiance, helplessness, confusion, rage. He had seen courage and cold indifference.

He had never really seen them. She was only a ghost, something that haunted him in his dreams and whispered lies that he believed upon waking.

“Take control of your demons or they will take control of you.”

Those had been Darth Vader’s words, rumbled softly to someone else, someone Luke hadn’t been able to see at the time because he was eight years old, hiding in the closet. He remembered thinking it was strange and frightening, a demon giving advice about demons.

And then there was Leia Organa, who had been his fiercest rival ever since he could remember. Why was she trying to help him? Or was the mention of Korriban merely a ploy, a ruse that would get him offworld long enough for her to solidify her position with the Sith Lords? The more he thought about it, the more likely the second explanation seemed. And yet there was something about Leia’s actions that rang a deeper chord, touching on something so elusive he wasn’t even sure it was real. Despite his brain and his instincts and everything that told him Korriban was a trick, he felt the truth of her words.

There was only one thing left to do. Luke pulled out his comlink and flipped it on. “Artoo,” he whispered, calling on the little droid that headed Darth Vader’s astromech team. If anyone could take him to the Sith planet, R2-D2 could. “I need a favor.”

As if sensing the need for discretion, Artoo replied in a series of quiet beeps and trills that Luke was still surprised he could understand.

“You owe me, buddy. After that little stunt you pulled over Commenor, you’re lucky Vader didn’t turn you into scrap.”

Artoo whistled indignantly.

“That’s because I told him it was my idea. Now are you going to help me or not?”

The droid gave a short groan of resignation. Luke smiled and began collecting his gear with his free hand.

“Thatta boy, Artoo. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”


Darth Vader’s hangar was located high on the western face of the palace. Luke had clearance to be in that area, but it was still highly unusual for an adept to be creeping around that part of the palace at night. He passed a maintenance droid dusting off a gold bust. The robot considered him for half a second before returning to its job.

Luke was struck by the darkness in this wing of the palace. The only light in the corridor was the neon glow of Imperial Center’s nightlife, streaming through the tall windows. But even that light was faint, since this part of the structure towered over much of the capitol. Like Vader, it stood aloof from the rest of the world, detached in a way that was both enviable and frightening.

A gentle breeze tousled his hair, and he felt something whisper across the back of his mind. Luke emerged from the shadows and approached the open doors that were letting the air in. As he reached the doors, he realized that they led to a balcony and that the balcony was occupied.

There was little mistaking the small figure that was leaning into the wind. Her long, dark hair was loose, and she was wearing a simple, pale blue robe. Luke pulled his presence back, wondering if Leia had sensed him. Satisfied that she had not, he extended his senses out to where she was standing.

For the most part, her voice was carried away by the wind, but Luke picked up a few words.

“…not sure if I can…much longer before…my mind…not strong…”

He wondered for a moment who she was talking to, when one of the shadows trembled and moved. Luke had to physically clamp a hand over his mouth to keep from projecting his shock into the Force.

The silhouette of Darth Vader was unmistakable.

The Sith Lord joined Leia at the edge of the balcony. He didn’t lean into the wind, as she did. He didn’t bow his head or rest his hands on the rail. He just stood there, hands clasped behind his back, breathing mechanically, in and out.

And then he did something Luke never expected to see.

He lifted his gloved left hand and placed it on Leia’s shoulder.

She looked up at Vader, but other than that she remained still. Luke sensed the tension in her body fade a little.

The face of his chrono lit up, calling Luke back to his mission. He was already late to the hangar. If he stayed here much longer he would definitely be discovered.

Taking one last look at the odd pair on the balcony, Luke retreated into the shadows and continued on his way to Vader’s hangar.


Nights were cold on Korriban.

She hugged her cloak to her body, leaning against one of the giant, abandoned stones that littered the canyon. Her rucksack had torn on a jagged rock during her escape, dumping at least one third of her supplies. Down to only a few days’ rations, she knew she wouldn’t last long, especially if they were hunting for her.

She should have stayed on the ship or gone to the old academy in Dreshdae, as her master had instructed her. But the voices had been very persistent. They invaded her mind whenever they saw fit, probing with such ferocity that it nearly toppled the mental shielding her master had erected. In her normal state, she might have been able to ignore the voices long enough to complete her mission. But she was not in her normal state and would not be anytime soon. And now she might die because of it.

Something howled in the distance, a blood-curdling, paralyzing cry that shot up her spine like a stun bolt. Her fingers curled over the hand grip of her blaster, but other than that small motion she remained still, listening carefully for another cry. She was standing downwind, so if she was being hunted by smell, it would take longer to find her.

If she was being hunted through the Force, however, she was in trouble.

Come to me, a voice whispered across the wind. It was much deeper than the one that had lured her into the tomb.

Come to me.

She pulled her blaster out of her cloak and switched the setting to kill. “Not a chance,” she muttered, peering out from behind the stone.

You will join us, Mara Jade.

You will join us or die.


Earlier That Day

The planet was much lighter than she’d expected. The sun beat down upon vast canyons and towering crags, subjecting the entire surface to its brutal illumination. Mara shielded her eyes against the glare with one hand and rifled through her rucksack with the other. She pulled out a pocket holoproj and turned her back to the sun, activating the device. A tiny, blue-static image of the Emperor appeared.

“I trust your journey was uneventful?” His voice seemed to echo off the canyon walls.

Mara nodded. “Yes, my lord. I have reached the planet.”

“Good. You may enter the remains of the academy in Dreshdae or stay on the ship until I send further instructions.”

“As you wish it, my lord.”

He cut the transmission abruptly, and Mara tucked the holoproj back into her bag. She felt a sudden uneasiness, as though someone - or something - was watching her. Brushing the feeling aside, she pulled out her datapad and began searching for a land route to the ancient academy.


era:ot, ship:luke/mara, theme:angst, fics, length:short story, theme:romance, theme:dark, author:viariskywalker, era:au, theme:au

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