Fic: Nothing So Wonderful, 1/1, PG

May 02, 2008 16:29

Title: Nothing So Wonderful
Rating: PG (probably; thematic stuff)
Category: AU, vignette
Timeframe: New Republic, Union
Summary: "It's all so beautiful." - Mara Jade, Union

A/N: This was based on a fic challenge on the TF.N message boards that required expanding upon a scene in Union in which Luke and Mara explore their newfound affection, and starting the fic with the sentence, "Nothing in the universe looked so wonderful at that moment." I've never been fond of Union, but there are about four panels midway through the TP whose potential has always intrigued me. :D

Nothing in the universe looked so wonderful at that moment.

Luke's eyes were bright and shining as he gazed at her, their sky blue hue soft and unclouded. Her attention focused so entirely on the man she so deeply loved, the officiator's voice barely registered on the edge of her consciousness:

"--promise to forsake all others, to be Mara's comfort and confidant, friend, lover, and companion for your mortal days?"

Silly question, Mara thought; he already was all that and more. Still, there was something exhilarating about declaring their love and commitment so publicly. Of course, the sooner the public aspect of the day was done, the sooner the private aspect could begin . . . Mara shivered slightly in delightful anticipation.

"I do," Luke vowed, his eyes never leaving hers, and that was Mara's cue. Taking a breath, she began the vows they'd written.

"For a relationship that started with me trying to kill you, this has become more than I could have imagined." She paused, glorying in the love that Luke was radiating through the Force. She continued: "I have never felt more complete than now, knowing we will be together for eternity."

Luke smiled at her, and Mara knew that in his eyes, she was the only person in the room. "You are more than I deserve, all that I desire, and all that I need to feel whole. I love you, Mara."

Mara smiled back, uncharacteristically light-headed with happiness. Again the officiator's voice intruded, but it was a welcome intrusion, one more step along the path that would end with Luke and her bound together forever.

"The rings are a symbol of your love, unbroken and shining. They show the galaxy the vows you make here today. I pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride."

Luke's hands slipped around her waist, gently but inexorably drawing her closer. Mara slid her own hands along his sides to rest against his firm chest and tilted her face up to receive his kiss. His lips were soft against hers, as tender and giving as they had been the first time they'd kissed. The joy they'd found in each other hadn't faded an iota since then, and Mara knew in her heart that it never would.

The kiss lingered, and Mara could feel Luke's desire to let his lips wander to her jawline and then her throat, even as her own fingers curled longingly against his chest, but eventually they parted without succumbing to the temptation, then turned to be presented to their guests. They were greeted with smiles and applause, and Mara wouldn't have been surprised to find herself literally glowing.

Later, on the dance floor, Luke entwined the fingers of one hand with hers while holding her close with his other arm around her waist. Mara reciprocated, her own arm draped across his broad shoulders and her forehead resting against his. Luke murmured soft endearments, low enough that only she could hear, and Mara knew that she finally possessed the love and devotion for which she'd waited her whole life.

The lyrical music faded, replaced with something more stately, and Mara pulled back to see a glint appear in her new husband's eyes. His arm slid from her waist, his hand settling on her hip, preparing to spin her in time with the music. The fingers of his other hand tightened on hers; taken by surprise, Mara felt her brows draw together as she looked back at him. The glint in his eyes deepened as he met her gaze.

"Mine," he hissed. The gentle pressure of his hand at her hip became a violent shove. Startled, Mara stumbled -

She started awake, her fingers convulsively clutching the rumpled silken bedsheets that were at such odds with the instinctive horror washing roughly over her. Her betrothed stood at her bedside, his hand hard and unyielding on her shoulder.

"Sleeping in, my dear? Have you forgotten your assignment for today?"

"Hardly," Mara spat reflexively, trying to work moisture into her suddenly dry mouth. He let her pull away from his grasp, but his eyes, so coldly amused as they looked at her, made it plain how futile a gesture that was.

"You ease my mind," Luke said, the mildness of his tone belied by the twisting darkness she felt emanating from him. "I would be disappointed if you were late to our wedding - as would our master. His orders in this matter were quite clear."

"Perfectly so," Mara said, lifting her chin defiantly as she rose from the bed, determinedly ignoring the possessive glint in those piercing blue eyes as they casually roamed over her figure. "I've never yet failed to do my duty to the Empire."

"Such a word to use to describe our marriage, Mara," Luke said, an ugly half-smile lifting the corners of his mouth.

Mara brushed past him, holding firmly to her dignity. "It is," she answered over her shoulder, "my assignment from our master. As you said." She paused at the refresher door to look coolly back at him. "You may go, and inform the Emperor and Lord Vader that I will report at the proper time, as ordered. And I would take it as a kindness were you not to again enter my rooms without permission."

The ugly smile broadened. "After this morning, Emperor's Hand, they will be our rooms, and I will come and go as I will, not as you might wish."

Mara inclined her head as graciously as she could manage, and closed the refresher door behind her. She waited until his twisted presence receded and she heard the bedroom door close behind him, then sat on the edge of the large bathtub and let her head sink into her hands.

She'd been dreaming before he woke her - about something happier than the events of the day, she was certain, for the vague mental warmth was slow to fade - but the dream was in shards now, leaving only an impression of blue eyes softer than those of her promised husband.

How could the Emperor have sacrificed her to Vader's son? How? Had she failed him in some unknown way? Or had she never truly mattered to him at all?

It made no difference now; her fate was sealed, and she would not - could not - defy her master.

Resigned, Mara Jade stood, and began to prepare for her wedding.

length:vignette, ship:luke/mara, era:new republic, era:au, theme:au, author:gabri_jade, fics

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