A bill I have a hard time imagining anyone objecting to

Oct 16, 2009 18:12

Via mellowtigger, up before Congress this session we have H.R. 3501, the Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years Act. It's super short -- you can read it in the time it takes me to explain it -- but I'll summarize anyway: if this bill passes, if you itemise deductions you can deduct pet care expenses up to $3500. This means vet bills, food, litter, a cage, &c for your cat, dog, bird, lizard, fish, hedgehog, whatever -- it just has to be domesticated and alive. Buying the pet does not count as a qualified expense, research animals and animals "utilized in conjunction with a trade or business" (uh, a mascot?) don't count, and you can't double-dip if you've claimed deductions for the animal in the last three years, but that's it.

It's a tax cut that helps individuals first and foremost. It encourages people to take good care of animals. I like these things. If you do too, write your representative and ask him or her to support this bill.


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