The third line is a bit rich, considering if you're not in North America you can't watch Hulu at all because the service is geolocked. Still, happy birthday to him, and if you'll allow me to take slight liberties with the rhythm:
Ia, ia Great Cthulhu From R'lyeh you will awake to Eat our souls and we who worship you Will be eaten last of all!
Amusingly, the tradition that mentioning the big H makes him show up appears nowhere in the regular Cthulhu mythos stories. It seems to have originated in an early edition of the D&D "Deities and Demigods" supplement.
Comments 17
"We will worship Great Cthulhu
Though we know we're quite a fool to
Still we make of it a rule to
And that's good enough for me."
Ia, ia Great Cthulhu
From R'lyeh you will awake to
Eat our souls and we who worship you
Will be eaten last of all!
'Cause he helps us win at hockey,
Brings us madness, brings us Pocky,
And that's good enough for me!
Using entrails, cards and ba gua
Air, earth, fire, wood and agua
And that's good enough for me!
We give sacrifice to Odin
Even though he's quite forbodin'
'Cause we're bored, and 'cause we're snowed in
And that's good enough for me.
And another of mine, more on Lovecraft:
It's not hard to worship Dagon
You don't have to be Carl Sagan:
He accepted Ronald Reagan,
And that's good enough for me!
Praise to He Who Must Go Nameless!
No, I'm not an ignoramus:
Those who say it just go squamous.
And that's good enough for me.
Of the Old Ones none is vaster,
Great Cthulhu's not his master;
I refer, of course, to *mumble*
And that's good enough for me!
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