Two more pieces of awesome

Feb 07, 2009 10:59

A recent but rapidly growing blog that deserves recognition is Eric Fernandez's DIY Bio 4 Beginners. Eric's been busily trawling the Internets for articles, videos, animations and other great resources for the amateur-biology community. Sometimes it's one link a day, sometimes it's ten -- but the information is great and his enthusiasm is (ahem) infectious. Check it out!

In other news, today I'm off to FOSDEM, especially for David Fetter's talk on OLAP and Common Table Expressions in PostgreSQL. Ever wanted to write a recursive expression in SQL? Now you can, and there are some damn fine reasons to. Representing trees in a database in any useful fashion used to be difficult. Now it's not. This takes data representation to a whole new level.

databases, trees, science!, hacking, biohacking

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